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Press Release
A video message from Dr Vandana Shiva
The Global Movement for Seed Freedom invites you to join people and communities around the globe, from the 2nd to the 16th of October to celebrate our seeds, our soils, our land, our territories, and to create an Earth Democracy based on Living Seed, Living Soil, healthy communities and living economies.
We are living in a changing and challenging world. We clearly have two totally different world orders, two totally different world views, two totally different paradigms evolving. One is based on ONE Corporation with one paradigm, one agriculture, monopolies, monocultures, crushing the soil, crushing the biodiversity, crushing the small farmers, crushing our bodies with disease. On the other hand we have millions of species, billions of people. -
We, the people - cannot fail the Earth, each other and the future.
We believe that in the seed and the soil we find the answers to every one of the crises we face. The crisis of hunger and disease, the crisis of violence and war; the crisis of the destruction of democracy.
If each of us takes a pledge to protect the Living Seed and protect the Living Soil, to grow our food as close to home as we can, in our balconies, on our terraces, with our farmers closest to us, we can also solve the climate problem, without waiting for governments to come to an agreement.
Join us in an amazing uprising of love and care where we act as one heart, as one mind and one consciousness to say no to this ecocide and genocide that is no longer a theory: it is happening all around us, to every society, in every generation and to every species.
We care for Life and we believe in the power of caring.
We will build living economies, we will become the change we want to see. With our love: for biodiversity, for the soil, for the Earth, and for fellow human beings. And we’ll draw inspiration, hope and strength from the fact that the will to live is stronger than the will to kill: the power to love is stronger than the power to destroy.
Join us in the revolution of caring for Life.
Important events on the way to October 2nd
September 4th and 5th: Soil Not Oil International Conference, Richmond, California, USA
September 6th: Soil Not Oil Mass March, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
September 8th and 9th: The 2015 National Heirloom Exposition, Santa Rosa, California, USA
October 1st: Bhoomi Maati Maa: the Festival of Living Soil, New Delhi, India
Key dates – Key Events
2nd October – Satyagraha for Living Seed, Living Soil, Living Food, Living Economies
On this meaningful day (Gandhi's birth anniversary) we celebrate a worldwide “Seed Satyagraha”, renewing our commitment to civil disobedience against unjust seed laws.
2nd - 5th October: Touch the Earth: A soil Pilgrimage, Maharashtra - Madhya Pradesh, India Soil Pilgrimage to Gandhi's Ashram and Howard's Centre in Indore
11th October - Terra Viva: Let’s celebrate the living Soil by starting Gardens of Hope
16th - 17th October: Mass March, demonstration and rally (more details coming soon), Washington DC, USA -
12-16 Oct: Seed Freedom Actions Start Seed Banks and GMO-Free/Seed-Freedom Zones; create Gardens of Hope; organise Seed Swaps and Seed Bomb actions.
ACT for Living Seed and Living Soil
Learn more
- Other 2015 video messages:
- Check more Actions from 2014 Seed, Food & Earth Democracy Campaign:
Previous years info
Join Seed Freedom online
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For assistance/questions contact: global.movement [at] seedfreedom [dot] info
You can begin NOW by spreading the word and by planning your own local actions and events – unleash your creativity!
In solidarity,
Ruchi Shroff
Co-ordinator - Seed Freedom
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