Date/dates: 04/10/2014 - 05/10/2014
Time: 6:00 pm - 1:00 am

Sowing Diversity

ASEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Diversity Europe) is an Amsterdam-based grassroots organisation, giving importance to involving youth in direct democracy activities. We run campaigns and organise actions and events on issues related to Food Sovereignty, with a special focus on seeds.

ASEED’s project Sowing Diversity will gather more than 30 people from 5 European countries (the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, France and Germany) in Amsterdam for a 5-day programme on the topics of seeds, biodiversity, farming and activism. The group, which consists of young activists involved with these topics, will be attending workshops, lectures and practical activities as well as visiting interesting local initiatives. Sowing Diversity will also be an opportunity for these people to share their collective and individual experiences and to start longer term seed projects.

Part of the Sowing Diversity project will also be a festive open night on October 4th at de Peper and 4bid gallery (OT301) in Amsterdam!

Vegan dinner (optional), live music, small info stall, seed swap and seed installations are on the agenda of this “Seed freaks (and more) party”. Please bring your own seeds (properly labeled with date, variety and characteristics) if you want to swap or spread them. If you do not have seeds, you are welcome with your open mind and curiosity. No need to be a seed freak yourself, just join us for a night of social fun and party!


Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

Oct 4th, from 6pm at 4bid Gallery and 7:30 at de Peper until around 01.00.

No entrance fee – donations welcome for dinner.


Sowing Diversity is also part of a larger series of European events related to seeds and connected together thanks to Demeter International. Check out the other events happening in October:

– in Brussels :
– in London :

Webpage with more details:
Facebook Event:

Organiser Name: ASEED Europe
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:


Overtoom 301 - Amsterdam
Netherlands - Нидерландия
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