Date/dates: 13/02/2016
Time: 10:00 πμ - 5:00 μμ

On the 13th February, hundreds of people will come together again at the Reclaim the Seeds fair, organised by ASEED, St. Boerengroep and VoedselAnders. This year there will be an extra large fair with – besides seeds – more stalls with information about other innovations in food system. Of course the exchange tables for the participants that want to trade their seeds will be provided for.
At the seed fair a freely accessible seeds workshop program will be offered covering amongst other topics seeds saving for beginners, and the Monsanto Tribunal to be held later in The Hague. But above all, Reclaim the Seeds is a hotspot to find special breeds and varieties for your garden and to meet other people with a passion for seeds and rare plants.
More info:
Location and time Wageningen: 13th February, Forum, Droevendaalse Steeg 2, Wageningen 10:00-17:00 uur
Location and time Lier: 27 february, Mallekotstraat 43/B1, 10:00-17:00 uur
Would you like to contribute to Seed Sovereighty? Help us to make this event possible and join our team of volunteers! As thanks, you will receive the one and only reclaim the Seeds t-shirt! Send us a mail: info[@]
Webpage with more details:
Facebook Event:
More info:
Organiser Name: Boerengroep, ASEED
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
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