Date/dates: 09/04/2016
Time: 9:00 πμ - 1:00 μμ

Join us for the Seedbank Leap Year Gathering on the 100th day of the year.
On the event menu for the gathering are:
• Community Island Tour
• Nature meditation & yoga session
• Seedbed Demo
• Seed Swap
• Storytelling and refreshments
• Surplus bring and share
Join the event on Facebook:
This gathering is in support of the following ideas and initiatives:
#SeedFreedom promoting Community Seed Banks, a network of seed saving and exchange and a site to exercise our seed freedom. Seeds are collected, saved, grown out, multiplied, selected, distributed … and the cycle continues, the circles of freedom keep expanding.
#LeapYear 2016 has also been declared the year to take the leap and others. To celebrate the Leap Year, people are gathering to mobilise towards new economic and energy systems.
#ASeasonfortheEarth as part of the Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence (SPAN), A Season for the Earth, which in South Africa we’ve identified as running from April to June.
#GardensofHope a movement to plant seeds and create Gardens of Hope as well as commit to the PACT FOR THE EARTH TEN-POINT PLEDGE for TerraViva, EathDemocracy, OnePlant, OneHumanity. ** see footnote below
#PULSEOFLIFE 2016 is the year of Pulses (IYP). The IYP 2016 aims to heighten public awareness of the nutritional benefits of pulses as part of sustainable food production aimed towards food security and nutrition. The Year will create a unique opportunity to encourage connections throughout the food chain that would better utilize pulse-based proteins, further global production of pulses, better utilize crop rotations and address the challenges in the trade of pulses.
What are pulses and why are they important? Pulses are annual leguminous crops yielding between one and 12 grains or seeds of variable size, shape and colour within a pod, used for both food and feed. Pulse crops such as lentils, beans, peas and chickpeas are a critical part of the general food basket. Pulses are a vital source of plant-based proteins and amino acids for people around the globe and should be eaten as part of a healthy diet to address obesity, as well as to prevent and help manage chronic diseases such as diabetes, coronary conditions and cancer; they are also an important source of plant-based protein for animals. In addition, pulses are leguminous plants that have nitrogen-fixing properties which can contribute to increasing soil fertility and have a positive impact on the environment.
#SOIL SOIL is a community initiative that turned their neighborhood traffic island into a indigenous garden. Let’s grow the movement for citizens and local communities to begin actively greening our urban areas.
#GREEN16 continues the GREEN 16 campaign initiated by the ID: Green Camp Gallery Project and is another growing campaign during this wonderful leap year of 2016. The intention of the Green 16 campaign is to incorporate environmental awareness in their monthly activities. The Green Camp Gallery Project is an organic and sustainable lifestyle hub focusing on creativity in all its forms.
** Footnote:
Webpage with more details:
Facebook Event:
More info:
Organiser Name: Community Connect/CitiZen Gardens/Delwyn Pillay
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:!citizen-gardens/c21ji
Organiser Facebook Page:
Stranack Rd, Community IslandStranack Rd, Berea, 4001 - Durban
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