Date/dates: 26/10/2014 - 27/10/2014
Time: 9:00 e.l. - 11:00 e.l.

No Patents on seeds ! Stop the Monsantos ! Demonstration at the European Patent Office in Munich

On this day the Large Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPA) will hold apublic hearing on patents on broccoli and tomatoes. The result of this precedence case willaffect all other patent applications covering conventionally bred plants and animals. Thereforewe are calling a demonstration in front of the EPA in Munich (Erhardtstrasse 27, Bob v.Benthem Platz 1) and intend to be present for the duration of the hearing.

Also attending:

The „large inflatable tomato“ and „the world’s largest broccoli“

We won’t leave the decision about our livelihood to the patent office!

We want clear prohibitions of patents on plants and animals !

Please spread the word, mobilize and come yourself!



Related Post: New report published about patents on seeds and call for a public protest



Further Information:,, Keine Patente auf Saatgut, Frohschammerstr. 14, 80807 München

October 26

Full-day workshop (10am to 6pm) for groups working against patents on seeds.

Webpage with more details:

Organiser Name: No Patents on Seeds!
Organiser email:
Organiser Website: