Date/dates: 28/03/2016
Time: 7:00 p.l. - 9:00 p.l.

Spring Seed Dispersal and Exchange

Want to grow and save heritage seed varieties?

This spring, the Wageningen gene bank has generously made some of their “Oranje Lijst” collection of historic varieties available to local gardeners.

These traditional Dutch varieities are rich in culture and stories, are often healthier, taste better and are more resilient against climate change than modern varieties.

We’ll be giving these seeds away at Thuis Wageningen for no cost – just come by to pick up some seeds, trade some of your own, and join with us in creating a local culture around seed saving.

If you can’t make it to the event but still want some seeds, e-mail us at

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Seed Commons Wageningen is a local gardening and art initiative to grow, share, save and celebrate heritage vegetable seeds and their stories.

Facebook Event:

Organiser Name: Seed Commons Wageningen
Organiser Facebook Page:


Stationstraat 32 - Wageningen
- Netherlands
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