Date/dates: 29/04/2017
Time: 9:00 - 6:00

As part of the global action, groups and organisations across South Africa are joining the Seed Freedom movement and will be holding events as an opportunity for people to rise up against the corporate hijacking of their seeds, freedom and future. Providing solutions through permaculture, seed knowledge, saving, sharing, growing food, overriding the system and exchanging ideas on strategies in the fight against unjust Seed Laws and the Poison Cartel monopoly on farms and seeds.
Please check all locations and programs HERE
Article on the #overgrowthesystem #southafrica 2017 #seedfreedom event this weekend #seedsavers #resistanceisfertile
— RifSA (@noMonsantoSA) May 2, 2017
Organiser Name: NO GMO South Africa & Resistence Is Fertile South Africa
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Port ElizabethPort Elizabeth - Port Elizabeth
- Afrique du Sud
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