Date/dates: 25/04/2017 - 29/04/2017
Time: All Day

Along with the Coalition against Bayer Dangers eV-., IFOAM Organics International, Colabora and many other civil society movements and organisations, Navdanya is co-organising a “Stop Bayer / Monsanto” mobilization in Germany from 25-29 of April 2017.
More and more farmers movements, environmental groups, trade unions and students organizations are joining the series of actions, which will converge in Bonn on April 28th, for a demonstration in front of the World Conference Center where the 2017 Bayer shareholders meeting will be held.
The announced merger between Bayer and Monsanto confirms the concerns and warnings put out by Navdanya and its president Vandana Shiva over the past few years. The mega $ 66 billion merger further tightens corporate control on our food and our right to health with the use of pesticides and genetically modified seeds. Corporate interests are, however, clearly pointed in the direction of profit at any cost, with the opening of more and more markets through continuing lobbying and pressure on democratically elected politicians for the elimination of regulatory barriers. There are those who are already betting that the announced merger between the German company Bayer and the American giant Monsanto will help the US to finally open Europe’s doors to genetically modified organisms, despite the universally accepted principle of precaution and the will of huge numbers of citizens on both continents.
Multinationals are closing ranks through mergers to become bigger and more powerful, to further pressure and aggressively lobby politicians to dismantle the regulations gained through years of social struggle through free trade agreements and in this way, secure free access to markets all over the world. Free access which rings like conquest and domination. But civil society is also closing ranks to reclaim its rights to healthy food and a healthy and safe environment.
Already at the “Monsanto Tribunal & People’s Assembly” in The Hague in October 2016, many international organizations had expressed their concern on the Bayer/Monsanto merger and had assured their support to the project of taking the protest to Germany, Bayer’s homeland.
“Stop BAYER / MONSANTO” days of action in Germany – Key Dates
Kick off – Panel Discussion in Bonn
25 April 2017, 7.30pm
Organised by: CBG / IFOAM / Navdanya a.o.
Venue: Bonn University, Lecture Room XVII in the main building
Metro station: Universität/Markt
International Town Hall meeting in Cologne
27 April 2017, 7.30pm
Organised by: IFOAM / Navdanya / AStA University of Cologne a.o.
Venue: University of Cologne, Lecture Room 1 in the main building,
“Stop Bayer / Monsanto!” actions in Bonn – 28 April 2017
- “Get Up Early !!” demonstration in front of Bayer Group general meeting venue
7am – 10am
Organised by: Coordination against BAYER dangers (CBG)
Venue: World Conference Center Bonn, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2
- “Stop Bayer / Monsanto!” Rally in front of Bayer Group general meeting venue
8.30am – 10am
Organised by: Coordination against BAYER dangers (CBG)
Venue: World Conference Center Bonn, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2
- Actions and talks at the BAYER shareholders meeting inside the World Conference Center
10am to 6pm
Venue: World Conference Center Bonn, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2
- International Press Conference
Organised by: CBG / IFOAM / Navdanya a.o.
Venue: IFOAM office in Bonn, Charles de Gaulle-Straße 5
“Stop Bayer / Monsanto!” demonstration in Berlin ”
29 April 2017, 2pm
Organised by: “Stop Bayer / Monsanto!” initiative
Starting from: Petersburger Platz
More information [German]
This series of actions in Germany is, in turn, part of the global mobilization which was initiated last October during the People’s Assembly and the Monsanto Tribunal in the Hague, where Navdanya, along with multiple civil society organisations, formed a Planetary Alliance for Earth Democracy.
Movements across the world are already joining this renewed “Call to Action against the Corporate Takeover of our Food and Health” and events and actions are being organised along the month of April and beyond.
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World Conference CenterPlatz der Vereinten Nationen 2 - Bonn
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