Date/dates: 11/10/2019 - 31/12/2019
Time: All Day

Make the University of California System Herbicide-Free!

In support for Herbicide Free Campus intiative, Navdanya International and the Global Movement for Seed Freedom invite you to join this campaign to tell University of California President Napolitano to issue a full, permanent ban on glyphosate and other Proposition 65 herbicides, and to make the UC system herbicide-free! Send your email through this form.

Also sign this petition, calling on the University of California to join fellow R1 institutions in reducing and eventually eliminating the use of toxic herbicides on University of California campuses and substituting non-toxic methods to control weeds.

Let’s join forces with Herbicide Free Campus in this important step towards a transition to 100% organic management of California Campuses green areas and gardens.

Organiser Name: Herbicide Free Campus
Organiser Website:


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