Date/dates: 23/07/2014 - 01/09/2014
Time: All Day
![Campaign to raise production funds for 'The Seeds of Vandana Shiva' Film](
How did the willful daughter of a Himalayan forest guard become Monsanto’s worst nightmare? Our new feature documentary, The Seeds of Vandana Shiva will tell the remarkable story of agro-ecologist Dr. Vandana Shiva, how she stood up to the corporate Goliaths of chemical agribusiness, rose to prominence in the environmental movement, and inspired an international movement for change.
We are already hard at work on the project. However, to move forward, we need to raise seed funding of $20,000 by September 1, 2014, when we plan to meet Vandana at her farm Navdanya to film there. We’ve known her for over fifteen years, and we feel privileged to have close access to her and her family.
Though we know all seed freedom advocates are already doing what they can to make a difference, we need your help to seize this opportunity. The funds will cover airfares, lodging, tech and equipment. (None of us are being paid.) On our return, we’ll put together a short video of the story that is necessary to apply for foundation grants to support the making of a finished film.
Donations are tax deductible and are greatly appreciated. You can donate through our website where there is also information about great Thank You gifts for your donation!
Thank you so much!
THE SEEDS OF VANDANA SHIVA from Becket Films on Vimeo.
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