Date/dates: 15/02/2015
Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Come trade knowledge and SEEDS! Celebrate Diversity and Community! Honor our Precious collective inheritance; SEEDS!The seed swap will feature farmers and gardeners our region in an informal exchange of ideas, information and seeds, with expert advice and unique seeds available at every table. It’s old fashioned fun, and you will come away with a smile and some seeds. This is a great way to meet and mingle with other like minded folks.
We will have a keynote address by Rowen White, director of Sierra Seed Cooperative, and a few hands on demonstrations by local farmers, seedspeople and tree folk.
“The seeds that gardeners hold in their hands
are living links in an unbroken chain reaching
back into antiquity.”
-Suzanne Ashworth, Seed To Seed
Sierra Seed Cooperative will provide blank seed packets and some seeds for swapping.
Bring seeds to share if you have them. Seeds are not required to attend, but extra flower, herb and veggie seeds make the party that much better!!
You could also bring scion wood, divisions of perennials and bulbs too. You could even bring food cultures too (kombucha, kefir grains) The idea is to have a barter of ideas, seeds and inspiration!
There will also be a number of tables and booths of area organizations and projects that support our vibrant local agriculture!
-The Felix Gillet Institute
-Chico Seed Library
-Sierra Seeds
and others
If you don’t have seeds to swap, come anyway! Many folks are willing to trade for other things or gift seeds.
The folks from the Banner Grange will be making organic non-GMO lunch available for purchase.
This event is co-sponsored by Sierra Seed Cooperative and the Banner Grange.
This event is Free and open to the public!
Check out this video from last years amazing swap!
Let’s make this another stellar community gathering!! This is a direction action towards our Seed Freedom in our bioregion.
Webpage with more details:
Facebook Event:
Organiser Name: Rowen White
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
Organiser Twitter url:
Banner Grange12629 McCourtney Rd - Grass Valley
California - Amerika Serikat
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