Date/dates: 04/12/2015 - 05/12/2015
Time: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm

Tribunal for #rightsofnature @drvandanashiva says NATURE IS NOT FOR SALE! #seedfreedom #soilnotoil #waternotoil
— Jodi Koberinski (@JodiKoberinski) December 7, 2015
#JoseBove and @drvandanashiva share a moment outside #rightsofnature tribunal @COP21 #regenerativeagriculture #Soils
— Jodi Koberinski (@JodiKoberinski) December 5, 2015
#rightsofnature tribunal @drvandanashiva listens as case is made
We must, as she says, make a #PactwiththeEarth— Jodi Koberinski (@JodiKoberinski) December 5, 2015
Eye on Paris Climate Talks and Rights of Nature –
— GA Rights of Nature (@rights4nature) December 4, 2015
@NnimmoB #COP21 claim that there is no alt to #fossil #Capitalism is coverup and hereby rejected #earthlawtribunal
— Terran Giacomini (@TerranGiac) December 4, 2015
Judge Bassey states: "it is time for us all…to take steps to ensure climate criminals are brought to [justice]" after hearing testimony.
— GA Rights of Nature (@rights4nature) December 4, 2015
"False solutions…are only furthering violations to Mother Earth's rights" Judge Lake finds after hearing testimony Day 1.#earthlawtribunal
— GA Rights of Nature (@rights4nature) December 4, 2015
Andre Leu of @IFOAMorganic calls #GMOs "one of the biggest crimes against nature there is." #earthlawtribunal #cop21 #rightsofnature
— GA Rights of Nature (@rights4nature) December 4, 2015
"Factory farms are the number one problem causing global warming," testifies Cummins of @OrganicConsumer #earthlawtribunal #cop21 #climate
— GA Rights of Nature (@rights4nature) December 4, 2015
OurPresident @Andreleu1 exposes myth of safe GMOs#. #RightsOfNature @occupytheseed @regeneration_in @OrganicConsumer
— IFOAM (@IFOAMorganic) December 4, 2015
"All beings are self-organizing, and all beings have intrinsic value." Dr Vandana Shiva #earthlawtribunal
— Ariel (@StpFrckngPaynCo) December 4, 2015
@drvandanashiva testifies at the #earthlawtribunal & asserts that #GMOs are direct violation of rights of nature. #rightsofnature #cop21
— GA Rights of Nature (@rights4nature) December 4, 2015
"What are the rights of nature? You should know. Aren't you a part of her?" -Casey Camp Hornick #earthlawtribunal
— GA Rights of Nature (@rights4nature) December 4, 2015
The current ecological crisis requires that we transform our international and domestic legal systems to nurture, rather than allow the destruction of the Earth community.
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will meet at Maison des Métallos in Paris on 4th and 5th of December, in conjunction with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC COP21. The Tribunal is a unique, citizen-created initiative. It gives people from all around the world the opportunity to testify publicly as to the destruction of the Earth — destruction that governments and corporations not only allow, but in some cases encourage.
The Tribunal features internationally renowned lawyers and leaders for planetary justice, who will hear cases addressing issues such as climate change, GMOs, fracking, extractive industries and other environmental violations. Logo-RoNtribunal-esThe Tribunal will offer judgments and recommendations for the Earth’s protection and restoration based on the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. Among other things, the Declaration binds us to respect the integrity of the vital ecological processes of the Earth. Accordingly, the Declaration also helps advance proposed amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to recognize the crime of Ecocide.
The Tribunal is hosted by the Global Alliance for the Rights of End Nature who holds the Secretariat and formal procedures for ongoing International Rights of Nature Tribunals. In Paris, the Global Alliance is honored to work in partnership with End Ecocide on Earth, and supported by NaturesRights and Attac France. The Tribunal has a strong focus on enabling indigenous peoples and local communities to share their unique concerns and solutions about land, water and culture with the global community.
#EarthLawTribunal, #RightsOfNature, #Cop21
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Organiser Name: Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
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Maison des Métallos94 Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud - Paris
- Prancis
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