Date/dates: 01/09/2017 - 30/09/2017
Time: 12:00 am

A-Z of Agroecology & Organic Food Systems 1- 30 September 2017
Bringing the earth & biodiversity to the heart of agriculture
Each of us whether we are farmers or eaters faces a choice between two systems. One is a system based on globalised cooperate control, chemicals and poisons, GMO and patent monopolies & fossil fuels which is contributing to 75% of the planets ecological destruction, wiping the livelihoods of small farmers and family farms and creating an epidemic of food style diseases. The second food system is based on strong vibrant local economies, ecological processes that rejuvenate our soil, biodiversity, water, are based on suns energy not fossil fuels from the growing to the cooking & processing of food. Organic food combined with solar cooking hold the promise of generating meaningful work while addressing problems of health and climate chaos.
For 30 years Navdanya has practiced biodiversity and community centred agroecological agriculture that enrich soils, enhance farmers incomes and increase nutrition and health.
The course on A-Z of Agroecology & Organic Food Systems is an opportunity to learn from the cutting edge ecological research combined with practical experience. You will learn about living seed, living soil, self-reliant sustainable local living food economies both at the scientific level as well as through participation in seed conservation and breeding, composting & soil fertility renewal, cooking classes with forgotten foods and interaction with local community and farmers.
Faculty will include Dr.Vandana Shiva, Founder Navdanya; Dr. Salvatore Ceccarelli, renowned scientists who teaches participatory breeding; AV Singh, Organic & Rural Infrastructure Specialist ; Marylin McHugh & Chris Kennedy , Soil Scientists; Narsanna Koppula, pioneer in Permaculture,India; Navdanya Team
Register for courses at:;
For more information:; @NavdanyaBija
Contact us at:; cc-,
Delhi: 011-26968077, Dehradun: 0135-2693025
Download Visitor Guide to Navdanya
Students talk about the A-Z of Agroecology Course at Navdanya from Becket Films on Vimeo.
2016 Highlights:
2015 Highlights:
2014 Highlights:
My story and my Navdanya inspired farm, by Isaac Pabia — Ghana
Webpage with more details:
Organiser Name: Navdanya
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Navdanya – Doon Valley Biodiversity Farm/Bija VidyapeethShimla Bypass Road - Dehradun
Village Ramgarh / Shishambara - インド
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