Date/dates: 21/04/2018
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Food Connect Workshop - 21 April 2018 - Jolivet, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Food Connect Campaign forms part of the growing, global movement for food freedom. All caring, creative and passionate people can contribute towards fixing our broken food system. The aim of the campaign is to reconnect people with the food production cycle, from seed to plate.

Food Connect Workshop Programme  – 21 April 2018 – Jolivet, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa.

Session 1

10h00 – 10h10  Welcome/Intro partner organisations
10h10 – 10h40  Gogo and Youth Storytelling
10h40 – 11h30  Seed Play workshop

11h30 – 11h45  Tea Break

Session 2

11h45 – 11h50  Intro Terra Viva Collective (signing of the Terra Viva – A people’s pact to protect the planet and each other)
11h50 – 11h55  Intro Slow Food Communities (signing of the Slow Food Manifesto)
11h55 – 12h30  Food Gardening demo –  Intro Regenerative Agriculture & Permaculture

12:30 – 1pm Light ‘Slow Food’ Lunch

Workshop objectives
Sharing knowledge, permaculture solutions, agroecological farming methods; sustainability, seed saving & storing and we encourage the growing and eating of clean wholesome food. Forming a ‘Terra Viva Collective’ linking it with the signing of  the Terra Viva – A people’s pact to protect the planet and each other and using/adapting the Terra Viva Manifesto as a workable framework for future community programmes and projects. Also working towards a People’s Assembly. * People’s Assembly primary aim that be laying out a collective vision through participatory planning at the local level towards a future we all want, that is GMO free, poison free, fossil fuels free, patent free, “free trade“- free, and free of corporate control. Assembly for the environment for humanity!

Workshop coordinators
Delwyn Pillay (Food Connect), Crosby Luhlongwane (Terra Viva Marianhill), and Grace Vaughan (Health Outreach Volunteer).

Organiser Name: Greenpeace local group: Durban
Organiser email:
Organiser Facebook Page:
Organiser Twitter url:


Jolivet - KwaZulu-Natal
- 南アフリカ
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