Date/dates: 30/10/2017 - 09/11/2017
Time: All Day

Gandhi, Globalisation & Gross National Happiness (GNH ): 29 October- 9 November 2017
From violence to non-violence; From Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to Gross National Happiness (GNH)
Globalisation as the dominant project of our time is being rejected everywhere. Brexit, the US election are examples of the rejection of the world of free trade and globalisation. The choice we face for a post globalisation world is whether society will retreat into narrow walls based on cultural differences, the rule of hate and the rule of violence or humanity will evolve to its highest potential for peace and non-violence, sustainability & justice and the economics of well-being & happiness.
The 2017 course on Gandhi, Globalisation and GNH will explore these possibilities, learning from the Gandhian principles of Swaraj, Swadeshi, Sataygrah & Sarvodaya & the post growth concepts of happiness and well being that have emerged from Bhutan. Inspiring faculty will include, Dr.Vandana Shiva, Founder Navdanya; Satish Kumar, former editor of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine & Founder of Schumacher College, Dr. Saamdu Chetri, Director of GNH Centre, Bhutan.
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Navdanya – Doon Valley Biodiversity Farm/Bija VidyapeethShimla Bypass Road - Dehradun
Village Ramgarh / Shishambara - 인도
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