Date/dates: 16/10/2015 - 17/10/2015
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Food Justice March targets TPP, “Dark Act,” Monsanto
LiveLeak, 16 October 2015
On the 16th of October, the Food Justice march protested Monsanto and other makers of genetically-modified “frankenfoods” and their flunkies in the US government. The first target of the march was USTR, the offices of the United States Trade Representative. Monsanto spent a lot of time there makign sure their “contributions” were included in the toxic TPP or Trans-Pacific Parthership trade deal. Next up was the EPA, an agency known for taking little action against GMO’s and dangerous pesticides such as neo-nicotinoids that can exterminate bees. Finally the march went to Monsanto’s headquarters and stayed there until well after dark. Speaking of dark, Monsanto is pushing the “dark act,” a proposed Federal law to ban states from requiring GMO “frankenfoods” to be labelled.
The “Dark Act” or HR 1599 is believed to be unlikely to pass the Senate, but activists fear it will be attached instead to the 2016 budget or some other “must-pass” bill. An ugly precedent for this was set by Senator McCain’s inclusion of language giving Resolution Copper the right to destroy Oak Flats (an Apache sacred site) with a copper mine in the 1015 NDAA defense spending bill. Even if the “Dark Act” is stopped, similar provisions are also included in the TPP trade deal. If state or local governments impose labelling laws anywhere in any country that ratifies the TPP, the governments involved will be exposed to NAFTA style lawsuits where the national governments get dragged before a “court” of corporate lawyers who will demand that all lost potential profits be paid back. Already the US has lost one of these lawsuits over labelling of imported meat from Mexico and Canada under WTO rules. The result was legislation forced through congress to stop country of origin labelling on meat products.
Monsanto and their supporters call HR 1599 the “the Safe and Accurate Food Labelling Act of 2015” but since it is a bill to deny consumers information, it is more widely known as Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK act for short.
#FoodJusticeMarch taking over EPA!
— Bea's Bees (@4BeasBees) October 17, 2015
#FoodJusticeMarch in Washington DC fighting to #Stopdarkact and #stoptpp on #WorldFoodDay
— Mack Mcdonald (@4TheWild) October 16, 2015
Outside @EPA demanding the ban of neonics to protect people & the world we live in! #FoodJusticeMarch #WorldFoodDay
— Friends of the Earth (@foe_us) October 16, 2015
Tired of being ignored by the people elected to protect your #health? #FoodJusticeMarch
— Organic Consumers (@OrganicConsumer) September 29, 2015
Join The Food Justice Coalition as we go to D.C. to fight The DARK Act ! We are tired of being ignored by the very people elected to protect our interests. We march on D.C. to demand answers and action. We will not stand for poison. We will not stand for cronyism.
On Friday, Oct. 16th, Truth in Labeling and Moms Across America are organizing lobbying groups to meet with Senators. They are also organizing buses with the option for either a round-trip ride or a one-way ride if you choose to stay over for Saturday. For more information, please check out this link:
***We have moved the narrative march portion of this action to Friday, Oct. 16th.***
This was not an easy decision, as we do not wish to cause confusion or to pose any inconvenience. However, we believe we will have far more of an impact doing the narrative march while the locations we are targeting are open for business. We will have a second march following the rally on Saturday.
We ask all participants to meet at Lafayette Park about 3 p.m. We will begin the march at USTR and the Chamber of Commerce. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese will speak about the TPP. From there, we will head to Monsanto where we will occupy the building while a presentation is given (Speaker TBA). We are being a bit quiet on specifics as our groups and event pages have been infiltrated by Monsanto shills, but we are planning some cool visuals. From the Monsanto building, we will head to the EPA (we plan on this being about 5 p.m., as a point of reference). Zen Honeycutt will speak about glyphosate, recent testing and the EPA’s lackadaisical attitude towards a solution. We are asking participants to consider dressing as bees so we can do a bee die-in in the lobby of the EPA. After the EPA, we will head to the White House. Please bring a flashlight so you can help us Shine A Light On The DARK Act. We will have the advantage of rush hour traffic at this point and we believe this unique form of protest will have a stunning visual impact.
On Saturday, Oct. 17th, please meet on the West Lawn of the Capitol building for the Food Justice Rally. Our permit begins at 10am and we encourage you to come early and take part in education workshops that MAMNYC is organizing. The rally itself will begin at NOON. Confirmed speakers include Dr. Edward Group, Steven Druker, and Anthony Gucciardi. We are waiting to hear back from a couple other prominent names. There will be a large march through the streets of D.C. following the rally.
We hope you are able to make it!
(Please continue to share the event link: let’s build attendance to truly make this the largest #FoodJustice march in history!!)
Organic Consumers Association International Director Ronnie Cummins will speak at a Stop the DARK Act rally at the Capitol on Saturday, October 17. The 1 p.m. rally will mark the main event in March Against Monsanto’s two days of actions for food justice.
TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Senators: Defend States’ Rights to Label GMOs!
DARK Act flyers, talking points, legal analysis, Senate meetings & more!
RSVP for October 16-17 March Against Monsanto Events in D.C.
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US Capitol BuildingEast Capitol St NW, Washington 20502 - Washington
District of Columbia - Estados Unidos
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