Date/dates: 15/02/2015
Time: 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm

“The future of Life the future of Seeds”
An event – open discussion about Seed Freedom, GMOs, the TTIP, and what we can do about it all as citizens
Organised by “Peliti”, “Dryades” (seed-saving organisations) and “Sporoi Zois” (“seeds of life” a media organisation committed to raising awareness about GMOs and TTIP
3-5pm short films and free seeds
5-7pm talks by scientists, experts, farmers
7-8pm discussion with the public
Webpage with more details:
Facebook Event:
Organiser Name: Peliti, Dryades & Sporoi Zois
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
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