Date/dates: 19/01/2017
Time: 7:00 pop - 8:00 pop
Gardeners, foodies, crafters & herb enthusiasts will gather to plan 2017 “Seed to Sovereignty” projects.
We are in the beginning phases of planning for GMO Free NJ’s Seed to Sovereignty series. The series will cover topics and events related to food sovereignty. For example we may host a Luffa Soap ring arc, where we disseminate seeds for people to plant and grow. Then we will harvest the luffa gourds and process them into soap rings.
We would like your help in determing which projects we undertake this coming year. Your input is important to us.
Please bring your thinking caps and a friend. Free and open to the public
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Collingswood Public Library771 Haddon Ave - Collingswood
NJ - United States
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