Date/dates: 03/10/2015
Time: All Day

Saving Seed Symposium
Saturday, October 3, doors open 11 am
Highwater Farm, 21135 Francis Road, Mount Vernon
Food and drink table, bring sack lunch or potluck item to share.
No Cost
Contact Danielle 360-424-3289 for more info.
Noon to 2 pm: speakers’ roundtable with seed industry colleagues, including policy advocates and farmers.
2 pm to 3 ish : Open house—seed identification, harvest and threshing techniques, history, and current info.
We’ll have a speakers round-table for part of the day with seed industry colleagues while the other part of the day will be a mini workshop/open house showing the basics like what different seeds look like, harvesting, threshing techniques and some history as well as current info for anyone interested. This part will be especially geared for those who may not know anything seed. It will be about the process of seed to seed. It will not be a how to workshop but will be more to spotlight the work that others have been doing and to inspire and support each other. Washington and Oregon Tilth folks, WSU, WWU Fairhaven & Huxley students and teachers, High Mowing, Osborn seed, as well as UpRising, other farmers from the family farmers seed coop and other local experts. We’ve got a few small blocks of lentils, flax, parsley, radish,peas and rye that I’ve been tending for a seed demo as well as stacks of various seeds from years past, some still unthreshed.
Webpage with more details:
More info: Danielle 360-424-3289
Organiser Name: Bellingham Community Food Co-op Farm Fund supported event
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
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