Date/dates: 14/04/2015
Time: 5:30 pop - 7:00 pop

Slow Food Prescott Heirloom Seed Swap

Bring some seeds to share at this meeting along with a dish to pass. If you have any extra seeds, please consider donating to our School Gardens program this evening as well.

We’re getting to the root of our organization: strengthening our community!

This dinner will be a potluck meal. Bring a local, organic dish to pass.

Members of Slow Food Prescott – Free with dish to pass or $5 without
Non-members – $5 with dish or $10 without

ZERO WASTE EVENT: Please bring your own plate, cup, utensils & napkin. Wash up station will be provided

Facebook Event:

Organiser Name: R Worrell
Organiser email:
Organiser Facebook Page: