Navdanya International was founded in Italy in 2011 to strengthen Navdanya’s global outreach in its mission to protect Nature, Earth’s biodiversity and people’s rights to seed and food and protect farmers’ rights to save, exchange and evolve seeds, as well as to protect indigenous knowledge and culture.
Navdanya International launched its global Seed Freedom Campaign in 2012 to bring to citizens’ attention the crucial role of seed in the battle to defend food sovereignty and food safety and help strengthen the movement to save and exchange seeds in response to the growing corporate hijacking of our seeds and our food. In the context of the deepening global seed emergency and food crisis, Navdanya International formed the Global Movement for Seed Freedom as a way of uniting the diverse groups and organisations around the world saving seeds, resisting the criminalisation of seed saving and promoting ecological agriculture, and to add strength to the mobilization against the industrialization, poisoning and impoverishment of our food systems. The Seed Freedom Movement has grown into a very strong and vibrant global community, which continues to expand through the mushrooming of hundreds of local seed groups and networks throughout the world, through festivals, workshops, demonstrations and policy advocacy campaigns.
Navdanya International has been at the forefront of showing connections between multiple crises but also connecting movements and actions on the ground. Its international campaigns, convergences and assemblies and advocacy actions have been focused on exploring the context of our food systems and its connections with soil, climate resilience, biodiversity, equity and social justice.
Through its Earth Democracy project, Navdanya International works to promote a new vision for a Planetary Citizenship, an alternative worldview, rooted in caring and compassion for the Earth and Society, where ecological responsibility and economic justice, based on the Law of Return, are central to creating a liveable future for humanity.
Email/Contact: |
info[@] |
Website: |
Facebook Page: | | | | |
Date/Time | Event | |
21/04/2021 4:00 pop |
Webinar: Earth Rising: Ecological Actions for Earth Democracy | |
10/03/2021 3:00 pop - 4:00 pop |
GMOs are a failed Technology. The future is GMO Free | |
14/10/2020 5:00 pop - 6:30 pop |
“Gates to a Global Empire” Report Launch and Online Conference | |
09/09/2018 5:00 pop - 8:00 pop |
Conversazione con Vandana Shiva e Franco Berrino
Villa La Mausolea Soci Italy |
09/09/2018 12:00 dop |
Italian edition of “Food for Health” Manifesto launched in Bologna
Bologna Fiere Bologna Italy |
08/06/2018 - 09/06/2018 All Day |
1° Convegno Regionale Sardigna Terra Bia
Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme Fordongianus Italy |
19/05/2018 - 25/05/2018 All Day |
"Stop BAYER-MONSANTO" in Germany
World Conference Center Bonn Germany |
18/05/2018 - 20/05/2018 12:00 dop |
Giornata della Biodiversità
Piazza Etica Contadina Calabrese (Pecco) – Cittadella Regionale Catanzaro Italy |
16/05/2018 6:00 pop - 7:30 pop |
Public Conference in Florence: Food for Health
Palazzo Budini Gattai Firenze Italy |
21/04/2018 5:00 pop - 6:30 pop |
Sulle orme di Vincenzo
Centro Polivalente Martis (SS) Italy |
03/04/2018 - 05/04/2018 All Day |
FAO 2nd International Symposium on Agroecology
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN Rome Italy |
18/03/2018 9:00 dop - 6:00 pop |
Giornata della Liberta’ dei Semi 2018
Ippodromo Capannelle Rome Italy |
25/02/2018 10:00 dop - 5:00 pop |
Scambio semi
Chiostro S.Maria in Ruviales Gandino (BG) Italy |
27/01/2018 - 30/01/2018 All Day |
Save the Date: Vandana Shiva in Florence
Palazzo Budini Gattai Firenze Italy |
01/10/2017 10:00 dop - 11:30 dop |
Conferenza: Diritto all’Ambiente, alla Salute, alla Biodiversità
Ex Dogana Rome Italy |
11/07/2017 All Day |
Ruchi Shroff - Voices from Clim'Act Camp
Csa La Torre Rome Italy |
10/07/2017 4:00 pop - 6:00 pop |
Conferenza: Il Veleno alle Porte
Sala Piccola Protomoteca Roma Italy |
28/06/2017 - 30/06/2017 All Day |
Towards socially just and ecologically sustainable seed policies for Africa
Harare Harare Zimbabwe |
14/05/2017 9:00 dop - 7:00 pop |
Navdanya at Pasta Madre Day
Ippodromo Capannelle Rome Italy |
27/04/2017 7:30 pop - 9:30 pop |
Bayer-Monsanto: Get-off our Plates!” Town Hall Meeting
University of Cologne Cologne Germany |
25/04/2017 - 29/04/2017 All Day |
"Stop BAYER / MONSANTO" days of action in Germany
World Conference Center Bonn Germany |
08/02/2017 11:00 dop - 1:00 pop |
Lancio Campagna Europea Stop Glifosato / Stop Glyphosate ECI Intiative Launch
Colosseum Metro Station Rome Italy |
14/10/2016 - 16/10/2016 All Day |
Monsanto Tribunal and People’s Assembly
Bazar of Ideas Den Haag Netherlands |
27/06/2016 12:00 pop - 1:00 pop |
Press Conference: New GMO Technologies – old illusory promises of salvation
NABU Bundesgeschäftsstelle Berlin-Mitte Germany |
09/06/2016 4:00 pop - 8:00 pop |
Neoruralità. Utopia concreta o prospettiva politica?
Accademia dei Georgofili Firenze Italy |
23/05/2016 3:00 pop - 7:30 pop |
Workshop Progetto LIFE SEMENTE PARTECIPATA - Filiere cerearicole innovative, sostenibili e di qualità
Sala Convegni ASSAM Osimo Stazione Italy |
24/03/2016 6:00 pop - 8:00 pop |
Terreno fertile - tra agricoltura urbana e pratiche di innovazione sociale | |
26/02/2016 All Day |
Una giornata biodiversa: 26 febbraio Firenze
Sala delle Vetrate (Complesso delle Murate) Firenze Italy |
19/01/2016 - 30/06/2016 All Day |
Film Nights for the Earth / Cineforum: Serate per la nostra Terra
Cinema Odeon Firenze Italy |
16/01/2016 12:00 dop |
Yedikule Garden of Hope in Istanbul
Yedikule Urban Gardens Istanbul Turkey |
05/12/2015 3:30 pop - 5:00 pop |
Gardens of Hope - sowing the seeds of change for a new Earth Democracy
La Villette Paris France |
05/11/2015 2:00 pop - 4:00 pop |
Presentazione del Progetto Life SEMENte Partecipata ad Ecomondo | |
31/10/2015 5:00 pop - 7:00 pop |
Per fare tutto ci vuole un seme / It takes a seed to make everything
San Gimignano – Teatro dei Leggieri San Gimignano Italy |
24/10/2015 10:30 dop - 12:00 pop |
Presentazione di "Seme Sacro" – "Sacred Seed" Book Launch
Salone dell’Editoria Sociale Roma Italy |
23/10/2015 5:30 pop - 6:30 pop |
Terra Viva: il suolo, beni comuni e futuro / Terra Viva: our soil, our commons, our future
Auditorium di Sant’Apollonia Firenze Italy |
25/09/2015 7:00 pop - 7:45 pop |
Vandana Shiva alla Giornata della cooperazione allo sviluppo
Accademia Europea Eurac Bolzano Italy |
28/07/2015 6:00 pop - 8:00 pop |
V° Workshop Nazionale e Internazionale ISDE Italia e Sardegna sulla Salute Globale con Vandana Shiva
Centro Servizi Nuraghe Losa Abbasanta Italy |
30/06/2015 12:00 dop |
Visita ai campi sperimentali a Jesi
Azienda sperimentale ASSAM Jesi Italy |
25/06/2015 9:00 pop - 11:30 pop |
Serata Evento su Papa Francesco e l'Ecologia
Cinema Odeon Firenze Italy |
12/06/2015 - 14/06/2015 All Day |
Coltiviamo la diversità! 2015
Azienda Agricola Bio Floriddia Peccioli PI Italy |
06/06/2015 10:00 dop - 12:30 pop |
Terra bene comune
Caffè della Versiliana Pietrasanta (LU) Italy |
02/06/2015 9:00 pop - 11:00 pop |
Presentazione e raccolta firme per la legge di iniziativa popolare del seme | |
27/05/2015 9:00 dop - 12:00 pop |
"Modelli di selezione vegetale e di tecniche agronomiche adatti alle condizioni pedo-climatiche locali"
Azienda Agricola di Cesa MARCIANO DELLA CHIANA Italy |
16/05/2015 11:30 dop - 1:30 pop |
Vandana Shiva inaugura forum biologico | |
02/05/2015 11:00 dop - 1:30 pop |
Launch of 'Terra Viva' Manifesto – Our Soil, Our Commons, Our Future
Cascina Triulza Milano Italy |
15/10/2014 - 16/10/2014 7:30 pop - 11:00 pop |
Vandana Shiva parteciperà a Firenze ad "ASPETTANDO Novo Modo"
Spazio Alfieri Firenze Italy |