Date/dates: 09/02/2015 - 21/02/2015
Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

We celebrate nature’s abundance! There are so many seeds and they can be shared! Enough for everyone!
SEED POP-UP is a seed swapping market, a temporary shop, where everyone can come and swap seeds or take some seeds home for growing their own garden.
There will also be a small-scale sale of selected seed species.
Opening hours are 10-17, from February 9th to 21st 2015.
With the SEED POP-UP, we want to draw attention to:
– To promote interest in and knowledge of seed collection and gardening
– The social impact of seed saving
– The consequences of seed legislation in Europe and globally
– The seed’s importance for our Mother Earth
and topics like biodiversity, agriculture, food and environment.
Therefore, we invite noteable people with backgrounds in agriculture, politics, ecology and practice to give their view on seeds as community resource in a series of lectures. In addition to the seed swapping market and lectures there will be various events during the 2 weeks: Practical workshops on gardening, seedsaving and film screenings. The final program will be ready in week 5, 2015:
SEED POP-UP is a collaboration between four organizations:
Community Garden 2200 (Byhaven2200), Danish Seedsavers, Permaculture Denmark and The Danish Association for Practical Ecology.
Feel free to contact if you want to participate or just know more:
Signe Voltelen, +45 27141102
#frøpopup #seedpopup #dkgreen #dkpol
Webpage with more details:
Facebook Event:
Organiser Name: Danish Seedsavers, Danish Association for Practical Ecology, Permaculture Denmark, Byhaven2200
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
Organiser Twitter url:
Noordelijk Zadennetwerk | Denemarken, 12 punten! says:
May 26, 2016 at 12:00 am -
[…] jaar, werd een Seed Popup event georganiseerd, om de beperkende wetgeving rond ruilen van zaden in Denemarken ter discussie te […]