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Conference: “Poisons at the Door” and other events in Rome on July 10th

NO to CETA, we must save our farmers and keep water a public common good

The conference “Poisons at the Door: Food, health and environmental risks in the new global market” (Il Veleno alle porte. I rischi per alimentazione, salute e ambiente nel nuovo mercato globale), was organised by Navdanya International and held on Monday, July 10th at the Sala Piccola Protomoteca, Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome.

The core theme of the event was the impact of Free Trade Agreements, such as CETA, on our food and production systems, with a focus on pesticides and their negative effects on consumers and workers. Among the speakers, renowned scientist and environmental activist, Dr Vandana Shiva, the Councilor for the Environment at Rome Municipality, Pinuccia Montanari, President of the Environmental Commission of Roma Capitale, Daniele Diaco, M5S MEP and  representative of the Environment Committee Mirko Busto, oncologist and hematologist Dr Patrizia Gentilini. Associations were represented by: Monica Di Sisto, spokesperson of Stop Ttip Italy, Ruchi Shroff, Navdanya International, Marica Di Pierri, A Sud.

Dr Vandana Shiva declared “It is still small farmers who produce70% of the foodwe eat globally. But a handful of corporations, which we call the “Poison Cartel”, are forcing their model of production on us, which wipes out small and medium size farmers from the market to keep selling low quality, pesticides contaminated food, dangerous to the health  of citizens and of the environment. We can still change course, from a model which only leads to the depletion and destruction of our resources making life on earth impossible, to a model which instead takes care of the Earth and biodiversity, based on a healthy relationship between food producers and consumers”. Read more

No al CETA, salviamo i nostri agricoltori e manteniamo acqua come bene pubblico

La Conferenza: “Il Veleno alle Porte, Trattati commerciali e pesticidi: a rischio salute e occupazione”, organizzata da Navdanya International, si è svolta il 10 luglio presso presso la Sala Piccola Protomoteca, Piazza del Campidoglio a Roma. Leggi tutto 

   Navdanya Articles
image I complici europei del glifosato

Di Ruchi Shroff – Comune Info, 27 luglio 2017 — I responsabili della politica non devono stare al gioco delle grandi aziende agrochimiche, bensì applicare il principio della precauzione e impegnarsi a garantire che le evidenze scientifiche esistenti vengano valutate in maniera corretta. Ne va della salute dei 500 milioni di cittadini dell’Unione europea. Leggi tutto

image Food and farming: Two futures

By Dr. Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 12 July 2017 — The slogan was that there would never again be scarcity of food because we can now make “bread from air”. Read more

image The Farmers' Crisis

By Dr. Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 12 July 2017 — Indian civilisation is based on gratitude, to our farmers and all beings who contribute to our food. “Annadata Sukhibhava”. Read more 


Un'agricoltura senza agricoltori

Di Vandana Shiva - L'Huffington Post, 7 luglio 2017 — Se si continua a seguire la via dettata dalle grandi multinazionali, la crisi non potrà che peggiorare. L'eliminazione dei piccoli agricoltori è sempre stata nelle intenzioni dell'agro business globale. E purtroppo è divenuto lo scopo anche di ogni governo, da quando il modello della globalizzazione si è imposto sui mercati e sulla vita delle persone. Leggi tutto 

image Resistance to GM Mustard in India

By Ruchi Shroff, 29 June 2017 — Amidst the desperate push by biotech lobbies to impose GM Mustard in India, Navdanya along with multiple civil society organizations is once again on the frontline to resist the GM Mustard. Read more

image Resistencia Contra La Mostaza Gm En India

Por Ruchi Shroff, 29 de junio de 2017 — En medio de la presión desesperada por parte de los “lobbies” biotecnológicos para imponer la Mostaza Genéticamente Modificada en India, Navdanya, junto con múltiples organizaciones de la sociedad civil está una vez más en el frente de resistencia a la Mostaza Genéticamente Modificada. Continuar leyendo

image Resistência a Mostarda GM na India

De Ruchi Shroff, 29 junho de 2017 — Em meio ao empenho desesperado dos lobbies de biotecnologia para impor a Mostarda GM na Índia, a Navdanya, juntamente com várias organizações da sociedade civil, está mais uma vez na linha de frente para resistir à Mostarda GM. Leia mais


Protect farmers, don’t target them

By Dr. Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 23 June 2017 — Now farmers have started to awaken the nation to the farming crisis with strikes in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Read more

  Other Actions/Events in Italy - Altre attività in Italia

#StopCETA. Intervista appello all'attivista indiana Vandana Shiva

 A cura di Martina Toti, Radio Articolo 1 - Ellemondo, 24 luglio 2017 — Il Podcast dell'intervista è disponibile a questo LINK  


Ruchi Shroff - Voices from Clim'Act Camp

[VIDEO] Ruchi Shroff, of Navdanya International,  held a workshop on "False Solutions to Climate Change" at the International camp on climate change, which took place in Rome on 11 July 2017. Read more

Workshop on Glyphosate and other pesticides

Bolsena, 1 July 2017: In the framework of the course "Food Security and Resilience", organised by the association Punti di Vista, in collaboration with Tulane University of New Orleans, Navdanya held a workshop on the very negative and disturbing effects of glyphosate on our health and environment. Read more

Proiezione del video “Il Tribunale Monsanto e l’Assemblea Popolare”

Roma, 5 luglio 2017: Nel contesto della rassegna Le terre e i mari della fuga – proiezione e incontro, Navdanya International e FINCA hanno presentato il video "Il Tribunale Monsanto e l'Assemblea Popolare", girato a L'Aia in ottobre 2016. Leggi tutto

Il CETA passa il primo voto in Commissione Affari Esteri - Le voci del dissenso per ora restano inascoltate

Navdanya International, 27 giugno 2017 — Navdanya International si è unita ad una vasta coalizione di gruppi ed associazioni per esprimere il proprio dissenso nei confronti dell’ Accordo Economico e Commerciale Globale (Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement CETA). Leggi tutto

Navdanya Report: “Poisons in our Plate - Glyphosate and Other poisons from field to table”

On 24th of May in Rome, Navdanya launched the report “Poisons in our Plate – Glyphosate and other poisons from field to table”, in collaboration with  A Sud and CDCA. The report points the finger at the Poison Cartel, the group of six poison producing seed and agro-giants intent on controlling our food systems, while making evident the lack of national and international pesticides regulations necessary for the protection of our health and our environment. Read more — A synopsis of the Report can be downloaded at this link

Dossier: “Il Veleno è Servito – Glifosato e altri veleni: dai campi alla tavola”

Lo scorso 24 maggio a Roma, Navdanya ha presentato il Dossier "Il Veleno è Servito – Glifosato e altri veleni: dai campi alla tavola", prodotto in collaborazione con A Sud e CDCA. Il dossier "Il Veleno è Servito – Glifosato e altri veleni: dai campi alla tavola" è gratuitamente scaricabile in e-book a questo link. Leggi tutto 

Press Coverage / Rassegna Stampa

   Updates from India
  Teaching Agroecology in the Himalayan Foothills

FoodTank, 7 July 2017 — Neha teaches at Navdanya’s organic farm in the foothills of the Himalayas. She works with partner organizations across India to train their members in agroecological and organic practices. Read more


A – Z of Agroecology & Organic Food Systems 2017

Navdanya – Doon Valley Biodiversity Farm/Bija Vidyapeeth, 1 - 30 September 2017 — Bringing the earth & biodiversity to the heart of agriculture. Read more


Bhoomi 2017: Listening to the Mountains

New Delhi, India, 1st October 2017 — Mountain ecosystems are homes of rich biodiversity and cultural diversity, and resilient communities. Read more

Earth Journeys to the Himalayas: Kedar Valley, Garwhal

2nd to 8th October 2017 — The Garhwal Himalaya, the source of the Ganga and her tributaries, is also called Dev Bhoomi the “Land of the Divine”. Read more
image EC Seed Freedom Workshop – Opposing the new Plant Breeders & Plant Improvement Act – South Africa

Bhisho, South Africa, 25 July 2017 — First of national seed workshops informing our people of the new seed bills. Read more

 image SemiScambi

CREMONA, Italy, 17 September 2017 — SeMiScambi è una manifestazione dedicata al libero scambio di semi e si rivolge ad hobbisti e appassionati di giardinaggio, agricoltura […]

image Erbacce & Dintorni 2017

BRACCIANO, Italy, 15 - 17 September 2017 — Laboratori, conferErbe, buon cibo, mostra mercato,  - musica e proiezioni questo ed altro per incontrarci anche quest’anno e valorizzare i saperi […]

   News from the world
image “Empujan a la humanidad al límite”

Por Diego Fernández Romeral - Pagina12, 03 de julio de 2017
Shiva impulsó el tribunal civil internacional que juzgó a Monsanto y lo consideró culpable de ecocidio. Pidió a la Corte Suprema la suspensión de la Soja Intacta RR2 de la empresa Monsanto, por los graves riesgos que implica. Continuar leyendo

„Wir haben vergessen, dass wir Tiere sind“

Friederike Grabitz - der Freitag Politik, 6. Juli 2017 — Interview: Die Umweltaktivistin Vandana Shiva eröffnete am Mittwoch den G20-Gegengipfel. Mit dem "Freitag" sprach sie über alternative Formen des Wirtschaftens, Gier und Visionen. Weiterlesen


Reflections on the Sun Valley Wellness Festival

Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, 27 June 2017 — It is a powerful validation and encouragement for the work we are doing in our region to have one of the world leaders in the seed movement in our midst, collaborating and strategizing with us. Read more


Vandana Shiva : «La mondialisation modifie génétiquement l’Etat»

Par Coralie Schaub — Libération, 11 juin 2017 — Pour l’écologiste Vandana Shiva, la guerre des matières premières en Inde est l’un des symboles de l’emprise des multinationales, au détriment des populations et de l’environnement. Lire la suite
image Vandana Shiva: “Nonviolence builds a Resilient Spirit”

By Dario Lo Scalzo – Pressenza International Press Agency, 19 July 2017


Vandana Shiva: “la Nonviolenza costruisce la resilienza dello spirito”

Di Dario Lo Scalzo – Pressenza International Press Agency, 19 Luglio 2017


Vandana Shiva: „Gewaltfreiheit erzeugt einen widerstandsfähigen Geist“

Von Dario Lo Scalzo – Pressenza International Press Agency  – 19 Juli 2017


Βαντάνα Σίβα: «Η Μη βία φτιάχνει ένα Δυνατό Πνεύμα»

Dario Lo Scalzo – Pressenza International Press Agency  – 20 Ιούλιος 2017


Vandana Shiva: “la no-violència construeix la resilencia de l’esperit”

Dario Lo Scalzo – Pressenza International Press Agency  – 19 Juliol 2017

image Desamparados declarado territorio libre de herbicidas agrotóxicos en áreas públicas

COSTA RICA, 5 de julio de 2017 — Desamparados no gastará más dinero en herbicidas [...]

image Aserrí cantón libre de herbicidas

COSTA RICA, 5 de julio de 2017 — Hay otros tres cantones y una universidad libres de glifosato • Muchos municipios estudian la propuesta Aserrí se convirtió […]

image Belén se declara un cantón libre de herbicidas

COSTA RICA — San José, 28 de Junio de 2017 — Un acuerdo político tomado en la sesión ordinaria del Consejo Municipal de Belén la tarde […]

image Costa Rica, Tibás: cuarto cantón en declararse libre de glifosato

COSTA RICA, 19 de Junio de 2017 — Pérez Zeledón libre de todo tipo de herbicidas La campaña por “desintoxicar” las comunidades y sitios públicos ganó un nuevo […]

image Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica primera universidad pùblica que prohìbe el glifosato

COSTA RICA, 15 de Junio de 2017 — Acuerdo tomado por el Consejo Universitario de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED) el pasado [...]

image A Seed for Change – Film

A Film by Alex Ikonomidis — "We were brought up in a system that made us believe food grows on shelves, clean water springs in bottles, health is in the hands of the doctors, education lives in an establishment and money is the key to all. It is time to realize that all this is not true.’

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