Navdanya Call to Action against the Corporate Takeover of our Food and Health


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The Monsanto Tribunal’s Legal Opinion reinforces movements’ struggle for basic human rights

The Hague, 18 April 2017

Monsanto Tribunal releases its findings: Monsanto’s activities undermine basic human rights, victims of multinational corporations need better protective regulations and international courts should recognize ecocide as a crime.

The Monsanto Tribunal of international judges presented in The Hague their legal opinion after 6 months of analysing the testimonies of more than 30 witnesses, lawyers and experts. Their conclusions are that Monsanto’s practices undermine basic human rights and the right to a healthy environment, the right to food, the right to health, it calls for better protective regulations for victims of multinational corporations and concludes that International law should clearly assert the protection of the environment and ‘ecocide’ as a crime.

Read more here

Dr Vandana Shiva’s message for the Monsanto Tribunal’s advisory legal opinion release

Video, 18 April 2017

Navdanya Call to Action against the Corporate Takeover of our Food and Health

People’s Assemblies for the Future of our Food

and the Future of our Planet


From a century of genocide and ecocide by war-based corporations to a future of seed freedom, food freedom based on rights of nature and rights of humanity.

While courts can investigate crimes of the poison cartel, and this is important for justice, people have the power to change the way we grow our food.

In October 2016, Navdanya joined multiple civil society organizations at the Monsanto Tribunal and People’s Assembly in The Hague.

The process of holding the “Poison Cartel” accountable for its crimes is the culmination of 30 years of scientific, legal, social, and political work by movements, concerned citizens and scientists.

With multinationals closing ranks through mergers to become bigger and more powerful, the civil society movements at the People’s Assembly have committed to joining forces to reclaim people’s rights to healthy food and a healthy and safe environment and to defend human rights and environmental rights and regulations gained through years of social struggle.

This global mobilization is now continuing and movements across the world are converging in a new unity across diversity to end a century of ecocide and genocide.

Read more here

As a response to the series of announced mergers of chemical-based giant corporations, the Monsanto/Bayer merger being the latest, Navdanya is organizing multiple actions over the next months:

Over the last months Navdanya has joined the widespread opposition against poisons in our food system and is calling citizens throughout Europe to sign the European Citizens Initiative to #StopGlyphosate and demand the EU to reform its pesticides approval procedures. If you haven’t already, please join the campaign and sign online here: In May, Navdanya will join a day of action which will take place across Europe to raise awareness on the dangers of pesticides, while, in Italy, towards the end of May, Navdanya International will launch a Report on Poisons in our Plate, together with ASud and CDCA.

In India, Navdanya is challenging the process of corporate mergers by warning the governments on conflicts of interests and the dangers of too much concentration of power. At the same time from 13 – 23 April 2017, Navdanya has gathered  movements for democracy which are undertaking a Satyagraha Yatra, a pilgrimage for Seed Freedom and Food Freedom.

In Germany, from 25 – 29 April 2017: Along with the Coalition against Bayer Dangers eV-, IFOAM Organics International, Colabora and many other civil society movements and organisations, Navdanya is co-organising a “Stop Bayer / Monsanto” mobilization. More and more farmers movements, environmental groups, trade unions and students organizations are joining the series of actions, which will converge in Bonn on April 28th, for a demonstration in front of the World Conference Center where the 2017 Bayer shareholders meeting will be held.

In Greece, from 20-22 April 2017, Navdanya has joined Peliti at the Olympic Seed Freedom Festival, along with people and organisations from all over the world to join forces to sow the seeds of the future and sow the seeds of another vision for the planet and its inhabitants.



This year’s International Meetings of Resistances to GMOs in Lorient 28 – 30 April 2017 will continue the work started in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in April 2016. The core themes of this 2017 meeting will take inspiration from the dialogues which took place in The Hague during the People’s’ Assembly last October, which also gave proof of how diverse struggles and resistances can converge and kick-off joint strategies and actions across the world.


Seed Freedom Call to Action against the Poison Cartel, 2 – 16 October 2017:
Big Industrial Agriculture is destroying life on Earth, our health and our democracies, causing social, economic, and ecological collapse in every corner of our world. Let us always remember that We the People as citizens of the Earth have more power than the Poison Cartel.

See more Key Dates here

It has become ever more critical for people to organize to stop the corporate takeover of our food, our health and our planet.

We invite you to join with people and communities around the globe, in this renewed “Call to Action against the Corporate Takeover of our Food and Health” and organize a People’s Assembly wherever you are to shape another future of our food and our planet.

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