Date/dates: 08/05/2016 - 24/05/2016
Time: All Day

This is a Public Event and you are encouraged to please Invite your Friends 🙂 Thanks
The Secret Garden Project is one I have undertaken for this spring. The goal is to plant well over 500 food and medicine plants (see Facebook Event). The project is a ‘secret’ because, while I would like to invite any and all to participate actively in the creation of the gardens, due to several reasons the location of must remain top secret until it reveals itself in its own time. Friends, neighbours and those just walking by will be invited to enjoy the fruits of this labour.
Further I hope to follow up during the summer – once the garden begins to come into its glory – with workshops. These would include: Garden walk, a general overview of the gardens; Food in the Gardens; Medicine in the Gardens; Planting, Growing & Cloning; Harvesting & Storage; Seed Saving, how to collect seeds.
I have created this event to ask for and, hopefully, find some help in seeing this project to fruition. While I have already put in a lot of my own time and money I find there are still things I need. If you can help me fufill these needs it would be greatly appreciated. Every bag of earth makes a difference – right now it means about 45 more seedling ready to go in the ground mid-May <3
Any leftover seedlings from the project will be donated to an organization dedicated to helping homeless folk to grow onsite. (more info – and pics – to come)
– Bags of Organic Earth (up to 125)
– Bags of Organic Compost (up to 200)
– Bags of Organic Manure (up to 75)
– 1 very long Hose & Spray Nozzle with ‘Rain’ setting
– Organic Lettuce Seeds
– Organic Snow and or Sweet Pea Seeds
– Organic Spinach Seeds
– A few very Discreet Volunteers to help plant during the midnight hours of May 14th, 15th and 20th. Actual garden location will be revealed only after we gather for the actual planting on the night of. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own garden shovel and any other personal equipment they might need, keeping in mind the goal is to successfully plant over 500 plants very quietly and quickly over the course of only two, possibly three nights. This is intense physical work and requires any participant to be in adequate shape for the task. Apply at your own risk 😉 or just inquire for more info on how to help….
– Childcare, preferably with someone we know, in our home, during the same midnight hours of May 14th, 15th & 20th so Winter can sleep warm and safe at home in bed while mom goes a-planting 🙂
This Project is already underway and as such, even if I do not manage to find any of the items on the above list, it will proceed through to planting mid-May. Your support is appreciated.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Seedlings already started include: Red Corn (eating); Pink Banana Squash; Delicata/Acorn Squash; Whiteaker’s Giant Keep Squash; Buffalo Creek Squash; Forest Green (curly) Parsley; Sweet Peppers; Beefsteak Tomatoes; Cherry Tomatoes; Pumpkin; Lettuce.
Seeds already awaiting direct sowing in Mid-May include: Plantain (plantago); Dill; Calendula; Sunfowers; Chives; Garlic Chives; Yellowstone Carrots; Ground Cherries; Green Lantern Tomatillos; Glass Gem Corn (popping, multicoloured ears); Tuscarora White Corn (flour); Kahnawake Pole Beans.
Additionally I will direct sow more of what was already begun as seedlings, including: Red Corn, Squash, Dill, Sweet Peppers; even Tomatoes & Cherry Tomatoes 🙂
Seeds, Seedlings & Donations already purchased and or promised to be included in project:
– Hyssop
– Sweet Basil
– True Lavender
– Lemon Mint
– Cantaloup
– Rainbow Carrot Mix
– Jubilee & Jacquie Tomatoes
– Zucchini
If you have organic (truly clean, natural) seeds to donate, trade or barter, please do not hesitate to contact me 🙂
‘In todays world, growing our own food is the most rebellious act we can make…’
Gratitude and Solidarity.
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Location Secret until garden reveals itself!ndg - Montreal
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