Date/dates: 03/10/2015
Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Honor the Spirit of Mahatma Ghandi by Celebrating All Life on Earth, in the Soil, Water and Air. Practice Civil Disobedience by Refusing to Comply with Unjust Laws which Violate the Fundamental Rights of All Of US, and All Creation to a Healthy and Vibrant Earth!
Our March will begin with a gathering at Will Rogers State Beach. At 10 o’clock we will gather, meet and greet. Bring musical instruments, joy, comfortable shoes (or none)… most of the March will be on the beach but if you plan to carry on to the Self Realization Temple Shrine there is pavement.
At eleven we will listen to speakers on the topic of planetary health including GMO labeling, biodiversity, the interconnected web of life, global warming and SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS!
At Noon we will March one hour up the beach carrying “Seeds of Dissent”! It is currently illegal in the state of California to transport seeds over a three mile limit due to a misguided provision in AB 2470 inspired by Monsanto’s desire to control through patent genetic plant life across the planet. This law interferes with farming
practices established over the last ten thousand years. Seed saving and sharing is as old as farming itself. The March will travel along the beach and arrive at Pacific Coast Highway and Sunset Blvd. at about one o’clock.
Those wishing to participate in Civil Disobedience will travel across the 3 mile limit by crossing Pacific Coast Highway and up Sunset Blvd. toward the Self-Realization Temple Lake Shrine. By carrying seeds over the three mile limit to the Lake Shrine where the ashes of Mahatma Ghandi
reside participants will be intentionally breaking this ludicrous provision of CA AB2470. The Meditation Gardens are open to the public. Participants are encouraged to enter and pay homage and respect to Ghandi’s legacy by engaging in the spiritual practice of their choice or none at all. Please honor this spiritual center as you enter and exit.
Marchers will then return to the beach for a celebration of life with music, beach and sun!
Webpage with more details:
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Organiser Name: Seeds4Democracy/Jim Waterhouse
Organiser email:
Will Rogers State Beach (Lot One)14700 Pacific Coast Highway - Santa Monica
CA - Estats Units
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