Date/dates: 14/10/2016 - 16/10/2016
Time: All Day

In support of the International Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague and the Seed Freedom movement.
Specific to South Africa.
An opportunity for the people of South Africa to share their stories and experiences of Chemical GMO seed Companies and their monoply of our farms and seeds, with the world.
In conjunction with the Seed Freedom event. Creating sustainable solutions to the GMO seed crisis, in the form of sharing knowledge and resources and creating awareness.
We are aiming to mobilise JHB networks and create a transitional 3 day weekend gathering, over the 14th – 16th of October. Our aim is to connect inspired and conscious people that are advocating a change in the food system, as well as other diverse causes of our multicultural society in JHB. Sharing our experiences and concerns around the monopolisation of OUR food system by these large corporations like Monsanto. The people are taking charge mobilizing and holding this very shady company, Monanto, accountable for crimes against humanity and vast environmental damage. Its our time to show solidarity!
Over the duration of the weekend there will be much on offer…
- Connecting to the live feed from the court case in the Hague, posting online via social media, coverage with powerful photography and videos of the weekends events to give SA and JHB a voice at this momentous occasion.
- Enjoying a variety of eclectic local musicians, art and cutting edge information from the green sector.
- We will brainstorming local solutions for local challanges with workshops and process driven outcome based sessions.
- Networking with local farmers, connecting with other inspired people that are making change on the ground.
- Showcasing success stories, environmental projects and farming initiatives in JHB.
- Exchanging information and celebrating our existence in harmony with nature and healthy production of food.
A healthy society begins with the way we connect with our food, and that is catalysed by connecting with others, around a sovereign movement. The proceeds of the events will be donated to the South African Organic Sector Organisation (SAOSO) which supports the Agroecological Movement in South Africa.
#Monsantotribunal #Peoplesassembly #NOGMO #Organicproduction #Permaculture #Peoplepower #Seedsovereignty
Please join our JHB event page at for further details. Locations to be confirmed.
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Organiser Name: March Against Monstanto
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