Date/dates: 08/10/2017
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

annie, jamie and tai welcome us
to their awesome organic market garden
at 11 jarawee road in kuranda (fairylands)
drive up myola road – turn right into jarawee road (approx 2km from lights at highway)
kuranda urban farm and nursery is on the left hand side (number 11) of jarawee road
(just follow our easily-recognised seedsaver signs : ) Image result for Pretty Leaf Clip Art
annie and jamie will share with us their journey
co-creating their organic recycled love-blossoming
community-flourishing upcycling urban farm…
this very inspiring family has a great story to tell
and a wonderful walk around what they are beautifully manifesting,
revitalising, and intelligently utilising the old nursery frame-work…
our meetings start from 10am and go thru til 4pm,
*feel free to come whenever feels right for you thru the day
– we sort our organically home-grown non-hybrid/non-gmo seeds
into our local organic seedbank from 10am
that often takes us up til lunch time
– we have a lovely delicious nutritious share-lunch
then we have a bit of a seedsavers yarn
then a great talk from our hosts
and then a walk around the garden…
it’s a great day with wonderful people : )
please bring any organically-home-grown non-hybrid/non-gmo seeds for the seedbank,
any cuttings/seedlings/treelings/spare seeds/produce for the share-table,
a plate/cup/bowl/cutlery/folding chair if you have, donation for tea/coffee/admin, friends and family, or just bring you!!
Organiser Name: Kuranda Sprouts
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
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