Date/dates: 01/09/2015 - 30/09/2015
Time: All Day

See photos & stories HERE:
Confirmed Faculty Dr. Vandana Shiva, Dr A.V. Singh, Dr Salvatore Ceccarelli, Chris & Marylin Kennedy, Dr Sultan Ismail, Dr Vir Singh, Dr Uniyal.
Invited faculty: Andre Leu, President of IFOAM,
Coach Mark Smallwood, Executive Director, Rodale Institute,
Ronnie Cummins, Director & Co-founder Organic Consumer Association (OCA ),
Week 1: Agroecology -What is Agroecology?
Introduction to Agroecology: A systems understanding of agiculture and food systems: relationship between Soil, Seed, Biodiversity, Climate, Health & Nutrition.
Week 2: Living soil- What is living soil?
The Soil Food Web, Renewal of Soil Fertility; composting and other methods to rejuvenate living soils.
Week 3: Living Seed: What is living seed?
Seeds and biodiversity, difference between traditional open pollinated seeds, Green Revolution varieties ,hybrids, GMOs, Why save seeds, participatory and evolutionary breeding, seed conservation, creating community seed bank and seed libraries.
Week 4: Living Food Systems: What is living food?
The health hazards of the industrial food system-pesticides,GMOs ,Junk food,Health, nutrition and ecological agriculture; the economics of local organic systems vs industrial global systems; Economic diversity and biodiversity of markets, issues of certification and participatory gurantee.
Week 5: Transition strategies from destructive, extractive agriculture to regenerative agriculture and Living Food Systems: Soil, Food & Climate Change, Soil, Food & Health, Soil, Food & Democracy.
We culminate the course with a gathering of our farmers who work on the ground with Living Soil, Living Seed and to protect the Mother Earth & peoples health.
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Navdanya – Doon Valley Biodiversity Farm/Bija VidyapeethShimla Bypass Road - Dehradun
Village Ramgarh / Shishambara - Inde
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