Date/dates: 09/02/2015 - 20/02/2015
Time: All Day

Food Matters Aotearoa Conference and Tour – Videos, Photos & other resources
Food Matters Aotearoa Tour:
9/10 – Christchurch Talk
Prof. Seralini, Prof. Huber
14/15 – Food Matters Aotearoa Conference
Te Papa, Wellington – REGISTER NOW!
International Speakers:
Professor Seralini, Professor Huber, Dr. Shiva, Chef Douzelet
National Speakers:
Professor Jack Heinemann, Moana Jackson, Dr. Jessica Hutchings, Dr. Meriel Watts, Bob Mackley, Simon Terry, Stephanie Howard, Wendy McGuiness, Mark Christensen, Phyllis Tichinin
Prof. Seralini, Prof. Huber, Dr. Shiva, Chef Douzelet
19/20 – Auckland Talk
Prof. Seralini, Dr. Shiva, Chef Douzelet
Webpage with more details:
Organiser Name: Food Matters Aotearoa Conference
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
Organiser Twitter url:
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa55 Cable Street - Wellington
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