Date/dates: 16/06/2016
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

16 June 2016
Green Camp: 246 Umbilo Road, Durban (corner of Essex and Umbilo)
Launch Menu
• Opening ceremony
• Storytelling
• Cooking Demo
• Seedbed Demo
• Opening of the Seed Library
• Seed Swap
• Surplus bring and share
Supporting Organisations:
Green Camp Gallery Project • Greenpeace Volunteers Durban • CitiZen Gardens • Community Connect • Centre for Civil Society, UKZN • International Youth Development Network
For info contact:
Durban June 16, 2016 – Durbanite community members have earmarked South Africa’s Youth Day to launch the Food Connect Campaign in Durban. The idea behind the campaign is to reconnect people with the food production cycle, from seed to plate.
The Green Camp, a pioneering independent urban renewal project in Umbilo, Durban has been selected to host the launch in commemoration of the June 16, 1976 Youth Uprising, which began in Soweto and spread countrywide,profoundly changing the socio-political landscape in South Africa.
June 16 2016, we will begin an uprising against our corporatised food system with the aim of building a movement of creative, passionate people who want to fix our broken food system. This is our struggle; this is our time to rise up. We want an Eco-Food Revolution that will ensure our food sovereignty.
Food sovereignty is about empowering communities so they can determine for themselves how food is produced, traded and consumed in ways that are healthy, culturally appropriate and produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods. We’re talking healthy, wholesome food that’s as good for the planet as it is for people. A fairer food system that supports small-scale community food producers. Food that’s grown without chemicals and GMOs and is designed to help people and the environment rather than make massive profits for multinational corporations.
The launch of the Food Connect Campaign on 16th June, 2016 will showcase ecologically farmed local food in creative and innovative ways, and will include cooking demos and other fun demonstrations. We also plan to establish the first Seed Library in South Africa! Just as traditional libraries store knowledge and encourage literacy so can seed libraries teach seed and food literacy and help us rediscover our histories and culture because – just like storytelling, song, and art – agriculture is part of culture, and the revival of our food and farming traditions empowers communities.
The Principles of Food Sovereignty are:
1. Food for People
2. Valuing Food Providers
3. Localising Food Systems
4. Making Decisions Locally
5. Building Knowledge and Skills
6. Working with Nature
7. Recognising That Food Is Sacred
The launch will also lend support of the following ideas and initiatives:
#SeedFreedom promoting Community Seed Banks, a network of seed saving and exchange and a site to exercise our seed freedom. Seeds are collected, saved, grown out, multiplied, selected, distributed … and the cycle continues, the circles of freedom keep expanding.
#LeapYear 2016 has also been declared the year to take the and others. To celebrate the Leap Year, people are gathering to mobilise towards new economic and energy systems.
#ASeasonfortheEarth as part of the Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence (SPAN), A Season for the Earth, which in South Africa we’ve identified as running from April to June.
#GardensofHope a movement to plant seeds and create Gardens of Hope as well as commit to the PACT FOR THE EARTH TEN-POINT PLEDGE for TerraViva, EathDemocracy, OnePlant, OneHumanity. ** see footnote below
#PULSEOFLIFE 2016 is the year of Pulses (IYP). The IYP 2016 aims to heighten public awareness of the nutritional benefits of pulses as part of sustainable food production aimed towards food security and nutrition. The Year will create a unique opportunity to encourage connections throughout the food chain that would better utilize pulse-based proteins, further global production of pulses, better utilize crop rotations and address the challenges in the trade of pulses.
#GREEN16 continues the GREEN 16 campaign initiated by the ID: Green Camp Gallery Project and is another growing campaign during this wonderful leap year of 2016. The intention of the Green 16 campaign is to incorporate environmental awareness in their monthly activities. The Green Camp Gallery Project is an organic and sustainable lifestyle hub focusing on creativity in all its forms.
Delwyn Pillay, Greenpeace Volunteers Durban: / 0716218305
Xolani Hlongwa, Green Camp Gallery Project: / 071 907 9996
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Organiser Name: Community Connect/CitiZen Gardens/Delwyn Pillay
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