Date/dates: 28/10/2015
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

#seedfreedom #foodcanbe4free
— Citizen of the World (@czenworld) October 28, 2015
The GC Seed Bank will host a special event to celebrate the completion of the final draft of the bank’s constitution and to celebrate our seed freedom. In addition there will also be a seed play workshop, which is a follow up from the Green Camp Community Seed Bank Workshop held on the 8 June 2015.
*The Green Camp Seed Bank was initiated as a result of the workshop, held at the I.D Green Camp on 8 June 2015
The GC Seed Bank shall function as a community seed bank. Community seed banks store and manage seeds that aim to provide community members with seeds to use.
GC Seed Bank resolve and commitment is aligned to that of the ‘Global Movement for Seed Freedom”
*The Green Camp is at the beginning stages of what will be an organic/sustainable lifestyle hub focusing on creativity in all its forms.
Seed Freedom
*SEED IS SELF RENEWABLE. A seed renews itself over time as it grows into a crop, from which comes a new seed. Unlike normal seeds GMOs are not self renewable. Therefore the use of GMOs not only destroys seed sovreignity but also compromises seed freedom.
*WHO OWNS THE SEED? Seed is owned by farmers who sowed, bread, saved and exchanged it for thousands of years. Sadly, the arrival of commercial seed industries changed the whole picture. These multinational corporations have successfully taken away the ownership of seeds from the hands of the farmers in the form of patents. At present, seeds are largely controlled by industrial giants like Monsanto, Du Pont, Syngenta and Bayer.
Webpage with more details:
More info:
Organiser Name: Delwyn
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:!citizens-gardens/c21ji
Organiser Facebook Page: