Date/dates: 10/10/2015
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Learn and Act for Seed Freedom
Athens, Monastiraki Square, 10th October 2015, 1 pm
We, the Seed Savers of Attica, responding to the call for International Seed Freedom Fortnight (2-16th October), invite you to join us in an action which seeks to inspire and educate as to the importance of urban food gardening and saving local seed varieties.
What unites us all is our love and care for the seed. The seed is the foundation of life on earth, and it is a commons – not a patented commodity in the hands of the few.
For us the seed is life, self-sufficiency, freedom, independence, as well as the enjoyment of taste and aroma, joy, community and celebration.
Saving seed we are saving life. Sharing seed we are sharing the generosity and abundance of life.
Understanding the importance of seed we preserve traditional varieties of edible plants which have been successfully tried and tested by the older generations and have come to us from hand to hand from grandmothers, grandfathers, parents and friends. We have cultivated them in our balconies, terraces and gardens, and we are sharing them with you in the hope that they shall find good soil to flourish. We are hoping that you shall enjoy their fruits and share the seeds with your friends and children.
We believe that food sovereignty is the basis for freedom and independence, and we encourage you to take your food into your own hands by starting a garden on your balcony, rooftop, or any available space. If you can, do not stop there: plant fruit trees where there aren’t any, sow vegetables wherever there is soil and water, create oases and havens in your everyday urban reality.
Our strength lies in our care for the Earth and in the solidarity we have between us.
Participating groups
Halandri Urban Farm
Votanikos Kipos Occupation
Akadimia Platonos Transition Team
Vyronas Seed Savers
Sporoi Zois (Seeds of Life)
Nea Guinea
Webpage with more details:
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Organiser Name: Peliti & others (see post)
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Monastiraki square, Athens GreeceMonastiraki Square - Athens
Attica - Grécia
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