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World Environment Day 2017 –

A message from Dr Vandana Shiva

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On this 5th of June – World Environment Day – Vandana Shiva reminds us that we are part of the Earth, and that we all have a duty to care for her future. Two centuries of fossil fuel driven development is pushing humanity to the brink. Dr. Shiva clearly spells out how we need to, and can, change course. Read more

Sowing the seeds of Earth democracy in Trump Times: The Planetary Crisis, Responsibilities and Rights

(Reflections on World Environment Day of President Trump abandoning his responsibility to the Earth and the community of nations)

By Dr Vandana Shiva, 4 June 2017

5th of June is World Environment Day – a day to remember that we are part of the Earth, and that we all have a duty to care. That two centuries of fossil fuel driven development is pushing humanity to the brink. And we need to change course.

This environment day is dominated by President Trump walking out of the Paris agreement. A “concrete-ist” afraid of the “winds of change”. What does Trump’s cowardice imply for international obligations to protect the earth, for a future based on ecological justice, for sowing the seeds of Earth Democracy? Read more 


 Navdanya Report: “Poisons in our Plate - Glyphosate and Other poisons from field to table”

Rome, 24 May 2017: The report describes how the whole agriculture industrialization process is based on the myth that it is through this system alone of production intensification that we will be able to feed the increasing world population and get rid of the hunger in the world. Studies have shown though that the industrial agriculture model is, instead, only producing a small fraction of the global food supply.

The report points the finger at the Poison Cartel, the group of six poison producing seed and agro-giants intent on controlling our food systems, while making evident the lack of national and international pesticides regulations necessary for the protection of our health and our environment. Read more

— A synopsis of the Report can be downloaded at this link

CETA: an Agrotoxic Agreement


By Ruchi Shroff, 31 May 2017


The recent visit of Canadian President Justin Trudeau to Europe is important not only for europeans and canadians but also for americans. And this is for one simple reason: the vote by the European Commission on February 15th in favour of CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Europe and Canada). The final ratification by the EU member states though is still pending and the “Stop TTIP Italia” campaign was mobilized to protest against this agreement defined as “toxic”. But what has TTIP to do with CETA and why are these trade agreements considered toxic concern Americans too? Read more


  Other Languages


Un Mensaje de la Dr. Vandana Shiva en el Día Mundial Del Medio Ambiente – 5 de Junio

5 de junio de 207 - VIDEO




Un Messaggio di Vandana Shiva per La Giornata Mondiale dell’ambiente

5 giugno 2017 - VIDEO




Sembrar las semillas de la democracia de la Tierra en tiempos de Trump: La Crisis Planetaria, Responsabilidades y Derechos

4 de junio de 2017




Diffondere la Democrazia della Terra ai tempi di Trump: la crisi planetaria, responsabilità e diritti

4 giugno 2017



Lanzamiento del informe “El Veneno está Servido – Glifosato y otros Venenos desde el campo a la mesa”

24 de mayo de 2017 - La sinopsis del informe en español está disponible para descarga en este link

 image Presentazione del Dossier “Il Veleno è Servito” – Glifosato e altri veleni: dai campi alla tavola

24 maggio 2017 - Il dossier "Il Veleno è Servito – Glifosato e altri veleni: dai campi alla tavola" è gratuitamente scaricabile in e-book a questo link

 image CETA: un acuerdo agrotóxico

Por Ruchi Shroff, 31 de mayo de 2017

 image  CETA: un accordo Agro-Tossico

Di Ruchi Shroff, 31 maggio 2017

  Ongoing Campaigns
image Navdanya Call to Action against the Corporate Takeover of our Food and Health

We invite you to join us and organize a People’s Assembly wherever you are

image Llamada a la acción de Navdanya en contra de la Toma de poder Corporativo sobre nuestra Comida y nuestra Salud

Te invitamos a organizar una Asamblea Popular donde quiera que estés […]

image Chiamata all’Azione contro la presa di potere delle multinazionali sul nostro cibo e la nostra salute

Vi invitiamo ad organizzare un’Assemblea Popolare, ovunque voi siate […]

image Navdanya Chamada para Ação contra o Domínio Corporativo de nosso Alimento e Saúde

Convidamos você a se unir a pessoas e comunidades de todo o mundo […]

image Pact for Diversity

22 May 2017 - Join by singing the Pact for Diversity 

image European Citizens’ Initiative to #StopGlyphosate

Click on the link to sign the ECI

image Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei per dire Stop al Glifosato

Clicca il link per firmare

  Events and Actions

Navdanya Book Launch: Annam Food as Health

India - Navdanya, 22 May 2017
image Resistance to GM Mustard in India

India - Navdanya, 12 May 2017

image Navdanya at the Global Alliance for the Future of Food Meeting & Soil Carbon Conference

Paris, France, 1 - 5 May 2017


“Stop BAYER / MONSANTO” days of action in Germany

Cologne, Bonn, Germany, 28 - 29 April 2017


Satyagraha Yatra 2017, a pilgrimage for Seed Freedom and Food Freedom – Highlights

India - Navdanya, 13 - 23 April 2017


Olympic Seed Freedom Festival – Highlights

Paranesti, Greece, 20 - 22 April 2017

image International Meetings of Resistances to GMOs – Highlights

Lorient, France, 28 - 30 April 2017

  In the News
image Why Sarson Satyagraha is still needed

By Dr Vandana Shiva – Deccan Chronicle, 30 May 2017 - If GMO mustard is approved, India as a democratic, sovereign country dies.


Por qué es Sarson Satyagraha todavía necesario

Por Dra Vandana Shiva – Deccan Chronicle, 30 de mayo de 2017 - ¿Son realmente necesarias las semillas de mostaza genéticamente modificadas en India?

image Perchè in India la Disobbedienza Civile è ancora necessaria: il caso della senape OGM

Di Vandana Shiva – Deccan Chronicle, 30 maggio 2017 - C’è veramente bisogno di semi di senape geneticamente modificata in India?

image Biodiverse Small ecological farms and Artisanal Processing feed the world, not corporations

Navdanya, 27 May 2017 - The path to nourishing planet & people is clear.

image Las pequeñas granjas ecológicas y procesamiento artesanal alimentan al mundo, no a las corporaciones

Navdanya, 27 de mayo de 2017 - El camino para nutrir el planeta y la gente está claro

image L’agricoltura ecologica e biodiversa e l’artigianato nutrono il mondo, non le multinazionali

Navdanya, 27 maggio 2017 - Il cammino da percorrere per nutrire adeguatamente la popolazione del pianeta è evidente.

image Vandana Shiva appears before the Supreme Court of Argentina requesting a public hearing for the Monsanto Transgenic Soy

Naturaleza De Derechos, 23 May 2017

image Vandana Shiva se presentó ante la Corte Suprema Argentina solicitando audiencia pública por la Soja Transgénica de Monsanto

Naturaleza De Derechos, 23 de mayo de 2017

image Mexican Supreme Court Upholds Lower Court Ban on Transgenic Corn

By Devon G. Peña, Ph.D. – Environmental and Food Justice, 12 May 2017

image Rechaza la SCJN un amparo de Monsanto sobre maíz transgénico

Por Angélica Enciso y Gustavo Castillo – La Jornada, 12 de mayo de 2017

 image European Court rejects Commission’s attempt to block anti TTIP citizens’ initiative

The Greens, 10 May 2017

image Hundreds Gather in San José Against Pineapple Expansion

The Costa Rica News, 25 May 2017

image Campaña a nivel nacional consigue poner trabas a la expansión piñera

Bloque Verde, 18 de mayo de 2017

 image Heladeras Fumigadas Argentinas. Informe de datos del SENASA sobre Agrotóxicos en Vegetales. 2011-2016

Naturaleza De Derechos, 30 de abril de 2017

image  Art 3 j of India’s Patent Law, central to our national sovereignty and national interest

Reflections on the conclusion of the Satyagraha Yatra

By Dr Vandana Shiva, 25 April 2017

 image Pérez Zeledón se convierte en el primer cantón libre de herbicidas en áreas públicas y de interés en agroecología

Por Natalia Villalobos -Elpaí, 10 de abril 2017

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