Date/dates: 28/04/2017
Time: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Seed Freedom & Food Connect | Green Thumb Society Project | Greenpeace Volunteers | Community Connect
Mariannhill Community Centre
Friday 28 April 2017
For more info, contact Delwyn Pillay
PART 1: 10h00 ─ 14h00
Gogo and Youth Teach-ins
Introducing Earth University & the Seed Economy
PART 2: 14h00 ─ 18h00
Seed Play workshop
Food Connect cooking & gardening demos
Art, live music, film screening and storytelling
Seed & People Freedom is a counter narrative to the World Economic Forum on Africa taking place in Durban 3-5 May.
… rediscovering indigenous knowledge, honouring our elders and empowering our youth.
To register for the event go to: community-economic-indaba-tickets
Over Grow the System is a Global uprising at grassroots level, to protect our Seeds and Freedom. We plan to Over Grow the System with knowledge, solutions, tools, truth and inspiration. Together we will be providing solutions to the hijacking of our seeds and polluting of our food, lands, people and ecosystems.
We are sharing knowledge, permaculture solutions, agroecological farming methods; sustainability, seed saving & storing and we encourage the growing and eating of clean wholesome food.
We are highlighting the unjust Seed Laws and the Poison Cartel Monopoly on farms in our beautiful South Africa.
Each location across the globe will be holding various events specific to their struggle and South African locations will be doing the same.
Over Grow the System – Mariannhill, Durban is a counter narrative to the World Economic Forum on Africa taking place in Durban 2-3 May 2017. The objectives of Over Grow the System – Mariannhill, Durban is to rediscover indigenous knowledge, honouring our elders and empowering our youth. And is in support of The People’s Economic Forum taking place at the Durban University of Technology, Steve Biko Campus, from the 27th April to 3rd May 2017. The purpose of The People’s Economic Forum is to create a free, inclusive, people-friendly space for people to learn and share information and solutions for economic and financial inclusion, empowerment and transformation.
In contrast, the World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa which takes place at the International Convention Centre in Durban from 3rd to 5th May 2017 will be attended by about 2 000 carefully selected local and international political and economic elites, by invitation only. At the WEF on Africa, business and political elites will shape policies, make decisions and broker trade deals which will affect all of our lives and futures of the more than 1.2 billion Africans, mostly women, youth and small enterprises who will not be invited to attend WEF on Africa.
The People’s Economic Forum is a people’s response to the multiple crises created by political and economic elites – including the energy, food, water, climate, security, financial, inequality, poverty and corruption – that we all face.
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Organiser Name: CitiZen Gardens
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Mariannhill Community CentreMariannhill - Durban
- Afrika Selatan
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