Date/dates: 20/04/2017 - 22/04/2017
Time: All Day

First Olympic Seed Festival and 17th Peliti Seed Festival, April 20-22, 2017
The institution of Olympic Seed Festivals was proposed by Peliti ( during the Global Citizens’ Assembly which took place between 14-16 October 2016 in the Hague. The Global Citizens’ Assembly was organized by Navdanya (, along with multiple citizens’ movements and organisations.
By means of the Olympic Seed Festivals we transfer the Global Citizens’ Assembly to various parts of the world. We also transfer a message about the growth of the seeds of a new culture based on love and co-operation for the earth and the seed, for the air, a culture that does not separate the natural environment from human beings. We specifically refer to the seeds of traditional varieties, varieties saved by farmers for many thousands of years.
How to get to Peliti — Application Form — Program
The concept of the Olympic Seed Festival
Το Olympic Seed Festival is a celebration of the growth of the seed, of co-operation with the earth, water, seeds and other human beings.
Truce with Nature: We were inspired by the ancient Olympic Games. In antiquity wars were stopped during the games and a truce prevailed. We accordingly propose a truce with nature. We invite you to co-operate with nature, to stop spraying poisons, to stop polluting the air the water and the soil. We propose that for a month you find ways to co-operate with the other forms of life.
We focus our attention on the positive actions that take place on the planet, on the positive actions that we can implement. With our thoughts and our actions we strengthen the positive aspects.
We share the responsibility for what is taking place on the planet as workers for co-operation and love.
The First Olympic Seed Festival is organized by:
And supported by:
- Municipality of Paranesti
- Environmental Centre of Paranesti
- Navdanya International, —,
- Seed Freedom Campaign,
- Men and women from all over the world who became enthusiastic at the idea and expressed their desire to support us.
The First Olympic Seed Festival is being organized together with the 17th Peliti Seed Festival 2017.
From 20th to 22 nd of April 2017 on the Peliti land in Greece.
Connecting Olympic Seed Festival with other international or national actions.
International Meetings of Resistances to GMOs (IFA GMO 2017) in Brittany, France, 28, 29 & 30 April, 2017. A delegation from the organizing committee will come to Olympic Seed Festival and Vaso Kanellopoulos will represent Peliti in the International Meetings Resistance to GMOs in Brittany, France. For more information: contact [at]
Campaign to support
We have been organizing seed exchange festivals for the last 17 years. Both National and International ones. We believe in positive thinking. Daily with our thoughts and acts we create our future. The First Olympic Seed Festival is a positive proposal aiming to bring seedsavers together Let us leave off the tears and lets work together. With the money to be collected we will invite people from around the planet to the First Olympic seed Festival and pay for their tickets.
For more information you can write: olympicseedfestival(at) replace the (at) with @
If you want to support financially the Olympic Seed Festival you can send your donation to Piraeus Bank Greece
IBAN: GR10 0171 1960 0061 9804 0030 332
For the organizing committee
Panagiotis Sainatoudis
Webpage with more details:
Facebook Event:
Organiser Name: peliti
Organiser email:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
Messohori, Paranesti Greece (Peliti Land)Messohori - Paranesti
- Grecia
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