Date/dates: 10/03/2021
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

On 10 March 2021, at 3 pm CET, Navdanya International will host a webinar on old and new GMOs.
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The convergence of philanthrocapitalists, technology, biotech, and industrial agriculture giants lobby has been on the offensive to impose a failed agriculture model in the name of solving the biodiversity, health, and environmental crises. Over the last decades, this has resulted in the aggressive push for the adoption of failed GMOs, including Golden Rice, BT Brinjal, and BT Cotton. But despite the known failures, and the negative health and environmental effects of these GMOs, the industrial agriculture lobby has now started to push for the second generation of GMOs or New Breeding Techniques (NBTs), especially after Europe imposed strict rules on the first generation and multiple countries banned GMOs earlier this year. The agribusiness lobby and their political allies will not stop their attempts to appropriate farmers’ seeds and people’s food, but the multiple victories in Mexico, Italy, Tanzania, Peru, and others show that there are ways of stopping them.
Hosted by Navdanya International as part of its Gates to A Global Empire campaign, this session will bring together Dr. Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International; Farida Akhter, founding Executive Director of UBINIG in Bangladesh; Chito Medina founding member of MASIPAG in the Philippines; Adelita San Vicente, Director General of the Primary Sector and Natural Resources of SEMARNAT, Mexico; Jonathan Latham, molecular biologist and former genetic engineer, now editor of Independent Science News. This panel of civil society leaders will lend their perspectives on both the victories against GMOs and their attempted impositions from all over the world.
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The conference will also be broadcast live on the Navdanya International Facebook Page.
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Organiser Name: Navdanya International
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