Date/dates: 08/10/2016
Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

We will have our People’s Assembly to dissuss our local seed freedom problems and what we can do to reclaim our food system – Our bread and Our freedom.
09.30 – Introduction & welcome
Two short video clips will be shown 1. 7 min video Seed freedom, Call for Action 2. Trailer for SEED: The Untold Story
09:45 – Short talks from guest speakers – Problem Statements (Status Quo: GMOs in SA) – Proposed Solutions (Seed saving, seed preservation, etc)
10:30 – Practical activities: Make your own Seed Balls & Make a Seed Mandala
11.30 –Seed Swop & Refreshments! Bring along seeds that you would like to swop. This we can do while enjoying refreshments
12.00 – Closure
As always, looking forward to seeing you there!
A R10 donation towards the refreshments would be appreciated.
Please RSVP BY 2 Oct to Green Living [] so we know how many seed balls to prepare
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Organiser Name: Green Living East London
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Ann Bryant Art Gallery9 St Marks Road - East London
Eastern Cape - Sudafrica
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