Date/dates: 26/02/2017 - 28/02/2017
Time: All Day

The Alternative Community Peliti (, the Environmental Education Center of Paranesti ( in collaboration with the Kokopelli organization ( from France, the Municipality of Paranesti ( with support of the Organic Farmers Union of Northern Greece ( are organizing a three-day seminar on 26th, 27th and 28th February 2017, addressed to professional farmers-organic farmers, on the subject of: Traditional varieties, seed saving and seed production. The main speaker at the seminar will be Dominique Guillet, M. Guillet is the founder of Kokopelli Organization and worked more than 25 years all over the world on the issue of seed saving aiming at promoting the collection and dissemination of traditional varieties.
The aim of the seminar is to establish a group of certified professional organic farmers who will engage in seed saving and seed production aiming at the preservation and dissemination of traditional varieties. The seminar is free of charge.
Webpage with more details:
Organiser Name: Alternative Community Peliti
Organiser Contact url:
Organiser Website:
Organiser Facebook Page:
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