The Experimental Farm Network (EFN) aims to fight global climate change, protect biodiversity, and ensure food security far into the future by facilitating widespread collaboration on plant breeding and other agricultural research.
Founded in 2013 by Nate Kleinman & Dusty Hinz, the EFN is presently composed of over 500 participants: farmers and gardeners, plant breeders and researchers, amateurs and professionals alike. The network is not-for-profit, based on open-source principles, and dedicated to social justice.
All are welcome and encouraged to join. While we are based in the US, participants from anywhere in the world are welcome.
Guardian article: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/nov/04/syria-seeds-experimental-farm-network-plants-biodiversity
Organic Broadcaster article: https://mosesorganic.org/experimental-farm-network/
nathankleinman [@] gmail.com
Nate Kleinman