Rural Women Network of Costa Rica
Declaration of Rural Women Network of Costa Rica [Spanish]
Vandana Shiva with Rural Women Network of Costa Rica (Red de Mujeres Rurales de Costa Rica): https://vimeo.com/95690841
Vandana Shiva and Ati Quiqua united for a GM free Latin America: https://youtu.be/X5rDVWE5fXI
University of Costa Rica (UCR)
Indian activist Vandana Shiva speaks out against GMOs in Costa Rica
by Lindsay Fendt, The Tico Times, 22 January 2014
Press Conference at UCR: https://youtu.be/UQHr8-IzLnM
Interview with Vandana Shiva at UCR: https://youtu.be/Uq657NTakoE
Main Conference at UCR: https://youtu.be/GEEp19h3alo
Address to students outside UCR: https://youtu.be/m2R8t367UFg
Message of Vandana Shiva to Latin America: https://youtu.be/gh4SeIq6eZU
Agriculture Fair [Spanish]: https://youtu.be/5wFqz2TC61w
Interview with ‘Planeta Interno’: https://youtu.be/oH4Pna8M6RE
Photo source, Bloque Verde: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.533907933373375.1073741864.326768307420673
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