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MEXICO CITY: Dr. Vandana Shiva’s Public Conference on Farmers’ Seeds

Dr. Shiva was with Ana de Ita and the group that faught the class action suit against Monsanto.
(ANAA, Cenami, CECCAM, Grain, Grupo ETC, Jóvenes ante la Emergencia Nacional, Radicales Libres Ciencia Crítica y Colectiva, Red en Defensa del Maíz, Yosoy132Ambiental.)
In support of the Permanent People’s Tribunal against GMO Maize she gave testimony for the class action suit that has put an interim halt on trials and offered solidarity through public meetings.

Monsanto primero contamina cultivos y luego busca legalizarse: activista

por Angelica Enciso – La Jornada, 15 abril 2014

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