
I have a plan for the plants of the planet, all plants, from A to Z –

four species are enough, the alphabet is too long.

In a test tube see me dive

straight to the heart of the cell, see me slide down the ribbon

of the spinning spiral stairs, with a platinum syringe I inject a hormone,

I straighten a chromosome, I add a brand new genome,

then I rush back up like lightning to admire the masterpiece:

a suicidal,

colour-changing seed.

Before the seed is sown

I must first slay the fields: here with charcoal weeds, here with the ink

of double-dealing lawyers, here with the agent orange of my saliva.

In the Americas, Africa, India, wherever there is open space,

I’ll sell the seeds in scores

with their purpose-made herbicide, until the face of the earth blossoms with deserts of green.

It’s not a question of luck:

with fertiliser the harvest is certain, overflowing, rich,

with nine-month contracts and the sole condition

that whoever keeps seeds for the following season I will take to court.

If the groundwater becomes polluted I’ll buy it, filter it

and re-sell it,

if the children grow warts I’ll give them a toy

to take it out on,

if the garden of a farmer fertilises with patented pollen

I’ll snatch away with an edict all of his lands.

Thus every acre of the land

I will tread without lifting my shoes: under the lens of the microscope

I’ll build an entire empire, a cornucopia of copies – the realm of mouths,

of stomachs, of bowels.

In my hands the palette of the world: gold in the soya, silver in the rice, tomorrow I’ll submit a patent

on the dew.

Such is my patron saint,

and such is the multinational taste of my name on everyone’s plate.

Antoine Cassar

Original Maltese version


Jien għandi pjan għall-pjanti tal-pjaneta, il-pjanti kollha, mill-A saż-żeta –

erba’ speċijiet biżżejjed, l-alfabet twil wisq.

Ġo provetta arani nogħdos

dritt għal ġo qalb il-ċellula, niżżerżaq maż-żagarella tal-garigor idur idur,

bit-trapan tal-platinu ninjetta ormona, niddritta kromożoma, inżid ġenoma ġdida,

imbagħad nitla’ lura sitta sitta ħa nitgħaxxaq bil-kapulavur: żerriegħa suwiċida, kanġikulur.

Qabel tinżera’

jeħtieġ li nkaxkax l-għelieqi: hawnhekk bil-ħxejjex imfaħħma, hawnhekk bil-linka

tal-avukati mxaħħma, hawnhekk bl-aġent oranġjo ta’ riqi.

Fl-Amerki, fl-Afrika, fl-Indja, kulfejn hemm il-kobor, inbigħ iż-żrieragħ bil-bosta bl-erbiċida għal tal-apposta, sa ma wiċċ id-dinja jitwarrad b’deżerti ħodor.

Mhix kwistjoni ta’ xorti:

bil-fertilizzant il-ħsad isir żgur, ifur, sinjur,

bil-kuntratti ta’ disa’ xhur bil-kundizzjoni biss

li min jerfa’ żrieragħ għall-istaġun li jmiss intellgħu l-qorti.

Jekk l-ilma tal-pjan jitniġġes nixtrih, insaffih

u nerġa’ nbigħu,

jekk it-tfal irabbu d-dbabar intihom ġugarell

ħa jiżvogaw miegħu,

jekk il-ġnien ta’ bidwi jiddakkar bil-polline ppatentat

immurlu b’editt u naħtaflu l-artijiet kollha tiegħu.

B’hekk kull tomna tal-art

għad nirfisha bla nħarrek iż-żraben: taħt il-lenti tal-mikroskopju

nibni imperu sħiħ, kornukopja ta’ kopji – is-saltna tal-fommijiet, tal-istonkijiet,


F’idejja t-tavlozza tad-dinja:

fis-sojja d-deheb, fir-ross il-fidda, għada nissottometti privattiva fuq in-nida.

Hekk qaddisi,

u hekk it-togħma multinazzjonali t’ismi fuq platt kulħadd.

Antoine Cassar