The Monsanto Tribunal releases its findings […]
CONTINUE READING →After reviewing Dow/Dupont application for merger we as Navdanya, a network of organic farmers and seeds savers and organic consumers concerned about our health and the health of […]
CONTINUE READING →On World Health Day, Navdanya along with Swadeshi Jagran Manch appeals to PM Narendra Modi to ban Monsanto on account of its illegal introduction Round-up Ready Flex Bt cotton.
CONTINUE READING →Health and disease begin in food, and food begins in biodiversity, agriculture and the soil. When food is produced, processed and preserved with toxic chemicals it becomes a source of disease. When food is diverse and chemical-free it creates health,
CONTINUE READING →African Centre for Biodiversity, 27 March 2017 Source As we continue to engage and mobilise around the seed policy and […]
CONTINUE READING →It is time India lead the way and say no to this marriage of two poison makers. From the seeds to pesticides to pharmaceuticals, they have a grand design to create a new ‘Company Raj’ […]
CONTINUE READING →Public presentation of the legal opinion of the International Monsanto Tribunal on Tuesday 18 April 2017.
CONTINUE READING →The controversy over its health and environmental effects though, looks set to rumble on.
CONTINUE READING →The reputation of Roundup took a hit on Tuesday when a federal court unsealed documents raising questions about its safety and the research […]
CONTINUE READING →California is the first U.S. state to require Monsanto to label its blockbuster weed killer, Roundup, as a possible carcinogen, according […]