The California law interferes in our duty to breed, save, exchange good open source seeds for […]
CONTINUE READING →It’s an arbitrary and illegal measure, because it goes against a previous court order.
CONTINUE READING →On January 30, Gandhi’s martyrdom day, I will join Gandhians in Sewagram, in defence of Gandhi’s ghani as a symbol of the swadeshi food. Anna Swaraj (Food Freedom) is the birthright of every Indian.
CONTINUE READING →A collective corporate assault is underway. Veterans of corporate America are being joined by new philanthro-corporate Imperialists.
CONTINUE READING →By Dr Vandana Shiva – GOI Monitor, 29 December 2015 Source Just focusing on energy can’t solve climate change crisis. […]
CONTINUE READING →An independent fact-finding team of cotton experts that examined Bt cotton fields destroyed by pink bollworm in Raichur district on Thursday strongly held that the crop destruction was not due to adulteration of seeds, but due to the failure of Bt technology itself.
CONTINUE READING →Mahyco Monsanto Biotech (MMB), the joint venture between US-based Monsanto and Mahyco, has cancelled the licence of Bt cotton seed manufacturer Nuziveedu Seeds and its two subsidiaries, Prabhat Seeds and Prabhat Agri Bio-tech, for “non-payment of royalty fees” (trait value) of Rs 160 crore for using its Bollgard-II technology.
CONTINUE READING →Venezuelan lawmakers approved Wednesday a new law that will impose stricter regulations on hybrid seeds and ban transgenic seed research.
CONTINUE READING →By Derrik Broze – The AntiMedia, 23 December 2015 Source: A previously unreleased set of Food and Drug Administration […]
CONTINUE READING →The movement against subsidising the fossil fuel industry continues to grow and is an integral part of the keep it in the ground struggle.