Sep 2015

Date/Time Event
Presentation at the I.P.C.U.K. of the Permaculture Italian Institute 08/09/2015 - 09/09/2015

10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Presentation at the I.P.C.U.K. of the Permaculture Italian Institute

The Light house
United Kingdom
The 2015 National Heirloom Exposition - The World's Pure Food Fair 08/09/2015 - 10/09/2015

All Day
The 2015 National Heirloom Exposition - The World's Pure Food Fair

Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA
Santa Rosa
United States
Shumei and Navdanya Launch Visions of the Living Seed 08/09/2015

12:00 am
Shumei and Navdanya Launch Visions of the Living Seed

Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA
Santa Rosa
United States
Jornada contra la incineración de residuos 08/09/2015

All Day
Jornada contra la incineración de residuos

Casa Presidencial Costa Rica
San Jose
Costa Rica
SOS Save Our Seeds March & Rally 06/09/2015

All Day
SOS Save Our Seeds March & Rally
6η Πανθεσσαλική Γιορτή Ανταλλαγής Παραδοσιακών Σπόρων 05/09/2015

All Day
6η Πανθεσσαλική Γιορτή Ανταλλαγής Παραδοσιακών Σπόρων

Moni Timiou Prodromou Serron
Soil Not Oil International Conference 04/09/2015 - 05/09/2015

9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Soil Not Oil International Conference

Memorial Civic Center Complex
United States
Seed Swap Elk Valley 04/09/2015

12:00 am
Seed Swap Elk Valley

Sparwood Market
Qachuu Aloom Farmers Association from Guatemala 03/09/2015

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Qachuu Aloom Farmers Association from Guatemala

Beyond Baroque
United States
COSMIC VEGAN FEST 03/09/2015 - 06/09/2015

All Day

Acaya, Vernole, Lecce – Italy
Acaya , Vernole