Corporate control on agriculture causes hunger and malnutrition to millions of children
CONTINUE READINGUp to now, proponents have failed to address concerns on Golden Rice […]
CONTINUE READINGThe report analyses, through case studies across the globe, the alternatives that are being developed in local areas, from the bottom up
CONTINUE READINGCrop diversity increases resilience
CONTINUE READINGWe reject intellectual property over plants as well as the Seed Bill
CONTINUE READINGWe need laws and policies to defend Bija Swaraj
CONTINUE READINGEU Parliament resolution on fruit, vegetables or animals obtained from conventional breeding
CONTINUE READINGSeed is the basis of food and agriculture. Seed Sovereignty is the foundation of food sovereignty.
CONTINUE READINGWorkshop and new report
CONTINUE READINGThe Biodiversity of Rice at Navdanya